5. Preston

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>I really wished we had more time with our mate< Gunner grumbled in my head as I drove. I sighed and I looked back in the direction of MoonLit Oasis before turning back to the road.

>me too, Gunner, me too< I replied, >but we'll be seeing him again tomorrow after school.<

>Can't we skip school?< my wolf asked hopefully in my head making me roll my eyes at him.

>do you want my mama to give our asses a whopping?< I asked and he shuddered before shaking his head >that's what I thought.<

I sighed as I stepped out of my car with Julianna who raised a brow. "Already missing your mate?"

I felt my face heat up as she grinned before waking over to me and linking her arm with mine, "don't worry, you'll see him again tomorrow after school."

"I know," I replied before frowning.

"What's with the frown?" Mama asked as we entered the house and I blinked looking up at him. He was munching on some mango slices covered in caramel drizzle making me scrunch my nose. Ever since he found out he was pregnant two months ago, he's been having the strangest of food cravings imaginable. I mean one time I caught him eating a slice of pizza with chocolate on top with a glass of lemon water.

"Nothing," I replied realizing I didn't reply to his question but he narrowed his eyes and I swallowed. Something I've learned about him was that he could see right through you and I sighed as Julianna snickered beside me making me glare at her. "I found my mate."

The hall was silent for ages as mama stared at me with a slice of mango in his mouth. I chewed on my bottom lip as the silence grew. Julianna gave me a pat on the shoulder before she walked away.

>Traitor!< I growled at her through the mind link and she only gave me a wave over her shoulder as she climbed the stairs.

"What's her name? Or his name?" Mama finally asked titling his head to the side letting his long hair frame his face. I bit my lip as I looked at me shoes, "PJ? You know you can tell me anything, right?"

I nodded and sighed before looking up at him, "it's Ryker Storm." I replied and he blinked before frowning, "yes, he's the alpha of MoonLit Oasis and Benson and Luna's brother."

He nodded, "oh," I could see the gears working in his head before he reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind his ear, "well I'm happy for you baby."

"But papa won't be,"I mumbled as I walked over to him as he held his hand towards me. I leaned my head on his chest as he ran his fingers through my hair making me sigh.

"Your papa only wants the best for you," he replied making me look up at him, "and if Alpha Ryker is what's best for you than that's all the matters to him and me." I blinked just as the front door opened and Papa walked in and blinked as he stared between his husband and me.

"What's going on?" He asked before along over to us and giving mama a kiss on the lips while kissing my temple.

"Our baby has found his mate," Mama said and Papa blinked his eyes before looking at me for confirmation and I nodded.

"Then what's with the long face?" He asked making me swallow.

"It's Ryker Storm," I replied and I watched as his jaw clenched at the mention of the Alpha.

"What did he do?" He asked with growl, "did he reject is that why you're upset? I will beat his ass if he did because no one rejects any of my pups and gets away with it." I stared at him with wide eyes before looking at Mama and he raised a brow.

"Did he reject you love?" Mama asked titling his head, "because you never did tell me why you were upset when you got home."

"No," I replied and he nodded but both he and Papa looked at me waiting for me to elaborate and I groaned, "I only just found out we were mates when I went to the twins house to work on our school project with Jules and Zaddie."

We walked to the living room to talk and they listened intently, "but there was this guy with him," Papa growled but mama hit him on the chest to calm him down, which I was grateful because an angry Papa was scary as fuck, "anyway there was this strange scent coming from said guy and realized it was mandrake."

Their eyes changed colors at the mention of the plant and I knew why. Mandrake has been used in a potion that nearly killed Uncle Jax because it was used on uncle Apollo by a jealous ex after they found out about him having a mate. Mama had found out and made a potion that countered the effects of mandrake and the person responsible for that had been found and sent to a pack in England.

"And I'm guessing that this male is an old lover of Ryker's?" Papa asked and I nodded, "and how did Ryker feel upon learning of this?"

"Well before I realized what it was, I saw him and Ryker reacted completely different like you said uncle Apollo had been when he was in the presence of Marlon." My parents nodded and urged me to continue so I did, "so I asked him where he got mandrake from but he said it didn't concern me,"

"The hell it doesn't," Mama growled.

"Anyway, long sorry short, Rory learned that mandrake's effect only works when a wolf hasn't found its mate." I said and mama and papa nodded, "but if that's the case then why did it almost kill Uncle Jax?"

"Mandrake isn't a powerful herb," he said and I nodded, "but if it's mixed with another herb that's similar to it such as the love-in-idleness', otherwise known as the wild pansy, which was used in the potion used on Apollo."

"So what did Ryker do to this Rory person?" Papa asked and I shrugged making him and Mama look at me.

"He took him out to a cellar but I don't know what happened after that." I said and they nodded.

"I'm sure you two will talk when you see him again," mama said and I smiled nodding.

"What do you say about going on a run before dinner?" Papa asked and I grinned, "go on then, go leave your things up in your room and then come meet me outside."

My Mate....The Alpha (new version) Where stories live. Discover now