14. Ryker

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*four months later*

I was in my office when I heard a soft knock in my door. I looked up and called to the person to enter and smiled as soon as the familiar scent of my mate wafted into the room.

"Hey," he greeted with a smile as he walked in and closed the door behind him.

"Hi," I greeted while pushing my chair back and patting my lap for him to come sit. He blushed but nonetheless he walked over and sat down which gave me the chance to steal a kiss from his lips.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he looked at the desk that was covered in paperwork that Morgan had failed to come help me with the paperwork as she was my Beta.

"Going over some paperwork," I replied, "Morgan was supposed to come up here to help but she got caught up on something and was unable to come over to help me."

He nodded as he grabbed one of the files and looked over it before picking up the next one and looking it over for a brief second as well with a furrowed brow, "Aunt Alaska wants to form an alliance with your pack?

"Aunt Alaska wants to form an alliance with your pack?" he questioned, his voice laced with surprise. He shuffled through the papers, reading them briefly before moving on to the next.

I leaned closer, my head resting gently on his shoulder, trying to catch a glimpse of the file in his hand. "Mhm," I confirmed, studying the information with him. "Even before we knew we were mates, she had expressed her desire for our packs to become allies."

As we delved into the details of his aunt, Alpha Alaska's, proposal, our minds started spinning with creative ideas. The walls of my office seemed to fade away, opening up a world of possibilities. We brainstormed how an alliance could benefit both packs, not just in terms of security and resources, but also fostering a sense of camaraderie and unity.

With each passing minute, our excitement grew. We explored innovative ways to strengthen the bond between our communities. Perhaps we could organize joint training sessions, where members from both packs could learn from each other's strengths. We also discussed the idea of organizing cultural exchange programs, allowing our packs to learn about each other's traditions and fostering a deeper understanding and respect.

As the hours rolled by, our enthusiasm turned into a detailed plan, ready to be presented to our respective packs. We felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination, knowing that this alliance could bring about positive change for everyone involved.

But it wasn't just the alliance that excited us; it was the mere fact that we were working together as a team. The synergy between us was undeniable, and it made us both feel stronger and more capable. It was a testament to our partnership, showing that we were not only mates but also kindred spirits, in tune with each other's thoughts and passions.

"Why don't we go for a run?" Preston suggested, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between us after hours of brainstorming. His eyes sparkled with excitement, and I couldn't help but smile at his suggestion.

We left my office, the weight of responsibility momentarily forgotten, as we walked into the crisp summer evening. The air was filled with the scent of pine and wildflowers, invigorating our senses. We allowed our bodies to shift, our humanoid forms succumbing to the graceful presence of our inner wolves.

Shaking my coat, I felt the familiar sensation of fur against my skin. I glanced toward Preston, and with a simple nudge of my nose, we had a silent conversation. His eyes gleamed mischievously, his wolfish smile encouraging me to join in the adventure. Without a moment's hesitation, we bolted toward the trees, the moon shining brightly above us, guiding our path.

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