11. Preston

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"I'm sorry!" I apologized as soon as Luna picked up the call and she huffed, "I didn't mean to ditch."

"Then you better have a good explanation why you didn't show up at the mall," she replied and I sighed before telling her the whole story of how I had forgotten about our plan to meet up at the mall two hours ago—which had been when Ryker and Caden were here and how I had jumped to conclusions about him saying he had marked Caden as part of his pack and all the while Luna was quiet until I concluded my story with, "then your brother and I kissed before we got back to my house and that's when Mama told me you had called. So again, I'm sorry."

"Wait...."Luna said as if she was digesting everything I told her, "Ryker and you kissed!"

I rolled my eyes at her question, "I love how that's all you have to say after all I said."

"Don't get me wrong, PJ," she began making me huff as I sat on my bed before jumping off of it when I realized I still hadn't showered after my run. Luckily my parents had left clothes for both Ryker and me at the entrance of the woods to change into when we got back from our talk. I should stop jumping to conclusions but it's kinda of hard with us having an age gap and he's the alpha. He could have anyone he wanted by—no, I am not going to think that way. He made it very clear he wanted me and has always had.

"Stop." I blinked at Luna's voice, "I know where your mind went just now, so stop. The moon goddess made you and my brother mates for a reason, so stop thinking so badly of yourself."

"It's hard, Luna," I murmured going back on my words from a second ago, "he could literally have anyone he wants yet he's stuck with me."

"Does he feel like he's stuck?" She asked and I could hear the noise behind her decreasing meaning she must have gone somewhere quieter to speak. 

"No,"I replied, "he said he's happy that we're mates." I stated before chewing on my bottom lip, "he said, 'There is no one else I would ever want to be mine than you. You are it for me now and forever, Preston.' But he should be with someone who doesn't have such bad self—"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Preston," Luna snapped cutting me off from myself loathing, "you are an incredible person inside and out, PJ, and I freaking hate it when you are always putting yourself down. Ryker has never been as happy as he is now, and that's because of you." I scoffed at that, he's only happy because of the mate bond nothing else. "And it's not just because of the mate bond." She said making me bite my cheek, "honestly, Ryker has always had a thing for you when you first started coming over."

"He said the same thing," I murmured.

>Trust our mate, Preston< Gunnolf said and I sighed before nodding, >he wants us as does Zeus, so please don't think otherwise<

>Okay, I'm sorry Gunnolf< I apologized and he gave me a wolf-y smile before resting his he's Don his paws in my mind before closing his eyes.

"Then believe him, because Ryker isn't one to say mushy shit like that unless he actually means it." Luna stated and I could practically see her rolling her eyes at that making me smile, "I'm glad that you're his mate, PJ."


"What's going on?" I asked as I stepped into Ryker's house. I had come to finish the school project with the twins, Jules and Zaddie. A few people were surrounding a figure on the ground that was whimpering. "I asked a question, what's going on here?"

One of them turned to me before looking away, "this has nothing to do with you, so leave."

>Are they not aware of who you are?< Gunnolf snarled in my head and I was about to say something when the scent of my mate closed in which had the group tense.

"I believe my mate asked you a question," he stated as he stood beside me. Just the mere fact he was close had my heart thumping in my chest and heat rushing to my cheeks that I quickly doused when I recognized the familiar scent of the body on the floor.

"Caden?" I asked in shock before rushing over to him practically pushing the assholes out of the way, "hey, hey, shh," I soothed the whimpering and shaking teen, "what the fuck is your problem?" I asked turning to the group, "what the hell?"

"Watch your tone," the leader of the group said.

"Careful how to speak to your luna, Frank," Ryker said making the leader, Frank, tense as his eyes widened, "and I'm asking the same question. What the fuck is your problem and why the fuck were you beating Caden?"

"You're okay," I whispered softly which had him look up from his huddled position on the floor, I felt my heart drop as I saw tears streaming down his cheeks that had dried blood smeared all over it. There were a few cuts on his left cheek and eyebrow. A small bruise was already forming on his chin.

"Lu-Luna Pr-Preston?" He stuttered and I gave him a soft smile. It will get getting used to that term now that I was announced as Ryker's mate.

"Here,let's get you to the infirmary," I whispered as I gently helped him to his feet being careful not to touch any of his sore spots which was difficult as he was practically covered in them from the beatings he received.

"Do you know how to get to the infirmary?" Ryker asked and I looked over at him before nodding with a small smile.

"Yeah," I nodded and he nodded in reply as I led Caden down the hall to the infirmary as he began yelling at Frank and the others.

"I've caused too many problems," Caden whispered making me look down at him with a frown, but he didn't say anything else.

"If they did this because of what happened back at the house a few days ago, then they are idiots and should learn to mind their own business," I said making him look up at me. I didn't think he would be this short when I saw him last time but then again we had been across each other in the creek. He couldn't be taller than 5'8 nor older than me. He was beautiful in a boyish way, with soft blue eyes and chestnut hair. He was lean as well with little muscle.

"And here we are," I said as we stopped in front of the infirmary, and before we walked in I said, "and know Ryker doesn't see you as a burden to him."

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