16. Ryker

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"So what's been on your mind?" I asked as Preston and I walked into his house after the party ended. He looked at me and sighed which made me look at him with a raised brow. His parents and siblings had already gone to bed so it was just us that were still awake.

"It's about me moving in with you," he finally said and I blinked taken aback by his words, "I know it's tradition for mated couples to live together once they find each other but I'm still trying to process that."

I could feel the tension in the air as Preston's words hung between us. Moving in together was a big step for any couple, let alone two werewolves who had just recently discovered their bond. I took a deep breath, trying to calm the sudden flutter of nerves in my chest.

I reached out to take his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Preston, we don't have to rush into anything. We can take our time, figure things out together," I spoke softly, my voice filled with reassurance.

"I don't want you to think that I don't want to live with you, Ryker," he said but I shook my head with a smile.

"I know, and like I said, will take this one step at a time okay? We don't have to rush into anything yet. If you're not ready to move in with me then that's okay, all that matters is that you're comfortable and that when you're ready you can move in with me."  I stated as I held his hands and his eyes softened before nodding with a small smile.

"I'd like that," he finally replied, "thank you for understanding and not pushing me into moving with you."

"I love you and I'd never force you into doing something that weren't ready to do, just because we're mates."

We went to bed shortly after that, and I couldn't be happier just holding him in my arms. Our bodies fit together perfectly, as if they were made to be intertwined. The soft glow of the moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting shadows on the walls of our bedroom. It was a peaceful moment, one that I wished could last forever.


As I slowly opened my eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains greeted me. I reached out, expecting to find Preston beside me, but only felt the cool sheets and a sense of emptiness. Confusion washed over me as I searched the room, wondering where he could possibly be. I climbed out of bed and walked over to his bathroom to wash up before going in search of my little mate.

I could smell him so I knew he wasn't far and so I scented him out only to find him helping Jessie prepare breakfast for the family. I leaned against the doorframe and watched him as he moved around the kitchen.

"When are you due to go have the baby?" Preston asked his mama who rubbed at his bump.

"Not for another week," Jessie replied before he looked over, "and you are not very good at hiding your scent." I blinked as he looked at me with a raised brow, "are you not going to greet us?"

>busted< Zeus snickered in my head making me roll my eyes at him as I looked at Preston and Jessie. They were identical in every sense of the word. If you saw them together you wouldn't think they were father and son but brothers.

eeted Preston and Jessie with a warm smile before leaning in to kiss Preston softly on the lips. His hands automatically went to my waist, pulling me closer to him. The familiar electricity that always coursed through me whenever we touched sent shivers down my spine.

"So, what's for breakfast?" I asked, eager to change the subject and distract myself from the intense connection I felt with Preston.

Jessie chuckled, gesturing to the array of food spread out on the kitchen island. "Well, we have pancakes, bacon, and eggs. Preston insisted on making everything from scratch this morning."

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