03・❥・olive theory

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You and me, always forever

We could stay alone together

- Always forever, Cults

Chapter Three. Olive theory

Hunger was eating me from the inside out. My need for food led me to dash downstairs much faster than my aching bones appreciated. I found myself curled up on my favourite sofa with a jar of olives and the latest copy of 'London Haunts.' It was there that Lockwood found me a while later, mouth full of olives and caught up on the most recent ghost encounters. He hung his coat and sunk into the armchair beside me.

I swallowed and held out the jar, "Olive?"

Lockwood wrinkled his nose and let out a very unnecessary gag. "Only if I am on death's door and it's the last thing that can save me."

"Spare me the exaggerations," I laughed, returning to the page I was on.

"Aren't you going to ask about the case?"

"No," I replied without looking up. "Judging by the fact that you're here alive and well I'm sure Miss Knight's bedroom is now perfectly safe."

"I'm hurt, Lucy. Do you really care that little about me?" Lockwood said, clutching his heart in feigned agony.

I hummed my response.

"You're upset you couldn't come?"

I nodded. 

"Oh, Luce, you will heal in no time. There is no shortage of ghosts for you to destroy."

"Yeah," I looked him squarely in the eye, 'that's why I'm upset."

Lockwood rose and motioned for me to move over. I watched him curiously as he made himself comfortable, laying down so his legs covered mine. He stretched and yawned like a cat in the sun and tucked his arms beneath his mop of curls.

We both peered at each other in comfortable silence. There was nothing that needed to be said that surpassed the moment before us. I looked down at the page I was on, only half concentrating on the words. My mind kept focusing on the warmth and gentle pressure of his legs over mine. Within minutes Lockwood's head was back and his mouth parted as he snored softly. I had only seen him asleep a couple of times before. He always looked so peaceful. Lockwood was forever energetic in front of everyone, so it was times like this that I felt closest to him. Even when we were saying nothing at all.

I carefully put down the magazine so as not to wake him and blew out the lamp.


"Good God! So, you're sleeping together now? Seems I missed a chapter."

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