27・❥・dead ends

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Forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain 

Just know that if you hide, it doesn't go away ♩♬

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: Little Dark Age. MGMT

a/n surprise! I didn't die! Sorry, I had a lot of writer's block so thank you endlessly for your patience. You are all the best readers ever, enjoy  ❤

Chapter Twenty-Seven. Dead ends.

"Do you ever wonder if George has brain damage?" Lockwood turned to me, a look of bemused perplexity written across his face. "Because now that I think about it," he said slowly, completely ignoring the profane gesture that George was waving under his nose. "Hitting his head all those times during cases must have done some lasting damage. Don't you think, Lucy?"

I nodded enthusiastically, to which George let out an indignant shout. "Well now that you mention it Lockwood," I remarked. "There is definitely a screw loose in-."

"- That sly grin of yours will get you nowhere Lucy when you realise-," George waved Evil around rather callously, "- that I'm not insane and we are all in danger."

"We're always in danger George," I said, regretting immediately how my words soured the mood.

Lockwood frowned at me but remained silent. I could almost see his thoughts racing at a million miles an hour as he tore his gaze away and focused intensely on the basement door. "We're safe here," he said forthrightly, although it was hard to tell if he was assuring us or convincing himself.

George waved his free hand impatiently towards Evil, who had the decency to let out a pitiful meow. "Now listen here," he said gruffly, "I know I can be a little unhinged, but believe me when I say it could be a lot worse. Imagine if I was as deranged as Lockwood here-"

"- Now that was completely out of pocket."

"- then I would understand if you didn't believe a word I said. But I think it's fair to say that I am the most trustworthy person in this household, and if this cat is indicating that it is haunted then it probably is."

"Right," I began, "say you were correct-."

"- Which I am."

"- what exactly do you propose it is haunted by?"

"Luce, I mean this in the nicest way possible but you're not exactly reliable at properly securing sources." Lockwood refused to meet my eyes as he said in a low voice, "A lot of the time."

I began to protest, but George cut me off, "What he means to say is that you trying to kill us is a common occurrence and that the source could be absolutely anything."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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