17・❥・thank you

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Nothing's gonna hurt you baby

As long as you're with me you'll be just fine

Nothing's gonna hurt you baby

Nothing's gonna take you from my side

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: Nothing's gonna hurt you baby, Cigarettes after sex

a/n he's here 😅😭🤭

Chapter Seventeen. Thank you

I stumbled to my feet, breathing heavily. Charlie reached out and quickly stabled my trembling fingers, shooting me a worried glance. His eyes widened now, only just taking in the sight of my broken arm. He took turns between scrutinising me, the house, and the boy striding towards us, visibly becoming uneasy with the realisation that things were not, in fact, fine.   

"Lockwood?" I choked out, staggering forwards.

He picked up speed at the sound of his name, breaking into a jog. Time seemed to slow down as he reached me and threw his arms around my neck. I clutched his button-down with shaking hands and buried my face in his chest as a torrent of emotions bubbled up inside of me.

No cab or train ride was necessary anymore, I was home once again.

"I never should have let you go," he whispered. "You were hesitant to come, and I pushed you, this is all my fault."

I instantly started shaking my head. How dare he try and blame himself? "Don't be ridiculous," I chided, taking a step back and wiping my eyes. "This was entirely my decision," I said, taking in his tired eyes and dishevelled hair. He shouldn't have pushed himself so hard to get here. I started rethinking whether I should have called him in the first place. Surely my predicament wasn't worth him losing sleep.

He leant forward. "Just let me blame myself, Luce. It'll make me feel better," he whispered.

"No, Lockwood. The fault is entirely my family's and theirs alone. Okay?" He cocked his head in confusion, to which I added, "I'll explain everything later. I can't believe you really came."

Lockwood let out a frustrated huff. "And I can't believe that you doubted I would," he breathed. "That was the most anxious two-hour car ride of my life." He held me at arm's length, scanning me up and down.

"I'm not injured," I said, chuckling slightly at the lengths he had gone to, to make sure I was okay. I really didn't deserve him. "Well maybe my pride, but-"

Charlie cleared his throat, tearing my attention away from Lockwood. "Lucy? Who is this?"

"Charlie, meet Lockwood, my-." I faltered as Lockwood silently reached out and laced his fingers with mine. "My friend," I said breathlessly.

Charlie smiled brightly and extended his arm, which Lockwood glared at until I kicked his shin. Lockwood scowled at me and met Charlie's gesture in the world's shortest handshake.

"I'm sorry," Lockwood said briskly sounding not the least bit apologetic. He shrugged his coat off and wrapped it around my shoulders without hesitation. I hadn't even told him I was cold. "Lucy and I really must be going now. The cab is waiting for us."

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