14・❥・fooling no one

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I didn't know I was capable of being happy right now

But you showed me how

I didn't know that you were right in front of me until I looked out

You make me want to cry in a good way

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: In a good way. Faye Webster

Chapter Fourteen. Fooling no one

For a single delirious second, I had no idea where I was. The realisation, however, hit me hard in the face. Quite Literally.

"I'm so sorry, Luce!" Lockwood exclaimed, quickly withdrawing his hand.

I was lying in his bed with his arms still around me. Sunlight danced across his white bedspread, and light rain pattered against the window. Surrounded by stacks of books and buried under the covers with him, it would have been pleasant to bask in the cosiness of it all, however, anxiety flooded my senses.

What if he never wanted to speak to me again? I just knew I looked like I'd clawed my way out of hell. Even worse: "Did I snore?"

Lockwood shook his head and smiled at me. "You were the best night's sleep I ever had."

I tried and failed to contain the grin that spread across my face. "I just know I look like a gremlin right now," I said, laughing softly.

"A very cute gremlin."

I could feel the heat rushing to my cheeks. It was then I noticed he was still shirtless, and my face positively exploded. At that moment I completely forgot about the letter. We lay side by side quietly talking, both of us pretending it was the most normal thing in the world to wake up together.

I remembered how my sisters and I used to play pretend with each other when we were younger. We would set up doll houses and create little families using our Mother's pegs and marker pens. Playing pretend with Lockwood felt different to that. It came naturally, and I think I enjoyed it a lot more.

The best part was that it didn't even feel like we were pretending at all.

Lockwood was pleased that he had finally been able to sleep through the evening without a single nightmare. He was in the middle of describing his dream to me when three light raps at his door startled us into a wide-eyed panic.

"Quick," Lockwood hissed. "Get under my bed."

I didn't hesitate before sliding off the bed and crawling underneath it. From where I lay on my stomach George was visible up to his ankles as he entered Lockwood's room wearing bright orange socks. I didn't have to see him to know he wasn't wearing much else.

"Moring," George grumbled. It was a known fact that George wasn't a morning person. To get him to speak at all before eleven am was a feat in itself. To be fair though, the same could be said for me on most occasions. It was usually Lockwood's responsibility to pump life back into the two of us through the form of tea and smiles.

"It's a lovely morning,  isn't it George," Lockwood replied cheerily.

"Is it? I hadn't noticed," George sniffed. "Just thought you should know we got a phone call just now from some chap by the name of Winston Whyte. Says he-"

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