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I thought I'd uncovered your secrets, but turns out there's more

You adored me before

Oh, my good looking boy

- Good Looking, Suki Waterhouse

Chapter Nine. Again

Lockwood dashed past me. He reached George and violently shook him. "Lucy," Lockwood cried. "We're too late, he-"

"Get off me, you arse!" George wailed, smacking Lockwood away. "I was sleeping!"

"WHAT?" Lockwood and I said in unison.

"You heard me. Did you really believe that hideous ghost had locked you in there? Gosh, you two can be so unbelievably dim sometimes, you know that? I took care of the old bugger ages ago. Her body wasn't hidden very well."

I kicked George's shin and let out a groan of frustration. He yelped and shot me a look of betrayal. "You should be grateful, Lucy," he hissed at me. Lockwood, meanwhile, just sat there looking stunned.

"Anyway," George continued, rubbing his shin. "Did you two make up? You're welcome, by the way. I'm expecting pancakes in bed for the next week after my charitable act just then."

"Lucy and I-"

Whatever Lockwood was about to say was interrupted by a piercing beep that resonated from George's thermometer. He looked about in shock and snatched the thermometer from his pack. It beeped again, this time in a higher pitch. "Temps dropping," George whispered, "10 degrees and falling."

"I thought you said you contained the ghost! How is this possible?" I shrieked, my breath pluming out in front of me.

"I did contain it!" George retorted, getting to his feet, and shifting uneasily. "There must be another source somewhere around here." 

Lockwood sprang into action, drawing his rapier and surveying our surroundings. Beyond George's torchlight, the hallway ahead of us was swallowed in darkness.

"I can't believe you were sleeping with a ghost still roaming these halls, George," Lockwood scolded. "Getting me and Lucy to apologise to each other is not worth endangering yourself-"

I shushed them, "Be quiet, would you? I need to listen." I closed my eyes and honed in on what I could hear. At first, there was merely Lockwood's shallow breathing and an awful grumbling that only George's stomach could be responsible for, however when I strained my ears a faint pounding could be heard resonating from deep within the walls.

Thump, thump, thump.

Thump, thump, thump!


My eyes burst open, and I trained my gaze on the dark depths of the hallway where an other-worldly glow was now materialising. "It's here," I announced.

The three of us huddled together, salt bombs and rapiers in hand. "Is it saying anything, Luce?"Lockwood asked hoarsely.

I shook my head, my gaze never leaving the transparent apparition that hovered meters in front of us. The ghost had taken the form of a thin, wiry man with a malicious stare and both his legs missing. I tried not to think about how our visitor somewhat resembled Lockwood, minus the missing legs of course.

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