25・❥・suffocating in the red of my dream

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Baby stay with me ♬♩

I feel it happening

I guarantee 

With every inch of me

Tonight I'll sleep 

With demons in my hair

That talk to me ♬♩♬

It's only just a dream 

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: Only in my dreams. The Marias 

a/n now, I could list the number of things that went wrong and led to me posting this a month late but I won't be making excuses for myself, so, if you haven't forgotten about this story then... here you go 😭 p.s I spiced things up at the end so buckle your seatbelts. p.p.s Sorry for the wait p.p.p.s I'll beg for forgiveness if I have to because even I can't believe how long this took me p.p.p.p.s Love you guys 💗💗

Chapter Twenty-Five. Suffocating in the red of my dream.

"I'm back on my shit." (a/n English teachers might say this is a metaphor for me)

George, Holly, and I collectively dragged our eyes over to Lockwood in unified alarm, side-eyed each other to confirm what we had just heard and flicked our gazes back to the subject at hand with added astonishment.

"Pipe down, Lockwood. That didn't have the effect you intended it to," George snapped, waving a butterknife in his direction. George was irritated every day, usually due to improbable and obscure reasons such as a reoccurring stomach ache at twelve o'clock exactly or slight changes in air pressure that only he could feel. Today he was struggling to tolerate people. 

Lockwood's mouth formed a thin line. He was perched at the head of the thinking cloth in a rather peculiar manner so that most of his long limbs somehow sprawled everywhere but the chair he was sitting on. "I think I speak for everyone when I say that you need not-." Lockwood paused to take a swig of his orange juice and sift the pulp through his teeth for dramatic effect. "Inflict your sour mood upon the rest of us."

George only sighed in response. Perhaps at Lockwood's theatrics or perhaps at life itself. One can never tell.

I reached over to pat Lockwood's knee. "I say this with love, George is right please never utter those words again."

Lockwood shook his head at me, betrayal written all over his face. "I'm not allowed to say, 'back on my shit'? I thought it was important you were all aware."

I winced. George physically recoiled.

"No. Never."

"Congratulations though," Holly added, somehow managing to pull off a straight face. "I'm glad you're, uh." She faltered, lost for words. "Motivated?"

Lockwood beamed and sat up a little straighter. "I just thought you all ought to know. No more slumps. None of this lounging around business." 

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