22・❥・puzzle pieces

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You're making me crazy 

Really driving me mad

That's all right with me

It's really no fuss 

As long as you're next to me

Just the two of us ♬♩

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: My kind of woman. Mac DeMarco

a/n question: if portland row was to get a pet what would it be/ what would it be called? (no the answer cannot be Kipps. Don't even try)

Chapter Twenty-Two. Puzzle pieces

Lockwood lifted his shoulders in a shrug. "Did I stutter?" he asked, flashing a cocky grin that deserved nothing less than a slap. "I know you want to kiss me right now. Don't hold back, Lucy. By all means."

I pinched my brows together and let out a deep sigh. "Let me process this for a minute."

"Do you want me to say it again? Will that help?"

I waved him off. "No. Shut your mouth and be quiet."

Lockwood pushed off from where he had been leaning against the door and closed the gap between us in a single stride. "Bossy," he murmured, collapsing on his bed beside me. He stretched his arms beneath his head and shot me an anxious side glance. "Lucy, your pained expression is making me rethink everything. Please tell me I haven't got the wrong idea."

"God, no," I assured, perhaps too fiercely, as the smug smile returned tenfold.

"If it makes you feel any better, I am happy to write up a contract to prove my sincerity." He lifted a finger and began to mime scrawling his spidery handwriting in the air. "In the name of me, I hereby announce that Anthony Jonathan Lockwood and Lucy Joan Carlyle, before these witnesses, are joined in holy matrimony-"

I let out a strangled cough. "Lockwood, do you know what matrimony means?"

"Uh, yes? I'm not a philistine."

"So, you are aware that you're outlining a marriage contract? Our marriage contract?"

Lockwood quickly dropped his hand, pursing his lips as he did so. "Accidents happen. So, I may have skipped a couple of steps. Don't shame me for it," he said defensively.

"Right. My bad." I smirked at his rosy cheeks. "Normalize proposing to someone before even making the relationship official."

"If you hadn't gone and made me so worried, I wouldn't have had to take such drastic measures! This is your fault, Luce." He poked my side and shot me an earnest grin. "What do you think I've been trying to do for the past five minutes?"

lockwood and co♡ locklyleWhere stories live. Discover now