20・❥・how did it come to this?

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3295 words a/n hooray!! twenty!! idk how this even happened. Thank you for your patience and your comments (they always make me laugh) this one is a bit of a rollercoaster so brace yourselves. And I do have to put it out here that my exams start soon (sos. not sure if I'm going to make it out alive) so I am unsure when I will be able to update next (which is why this one is so long). Anyway enough with my rambles, please enjoy and I love you guys so much!!! okay bye 🤗💗

p.s Somehow it's 1:33 am already. I guess I was on a grind

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

I don't care, I'm in love (stop now before it's too late, I know) ♬♩

Feel like a brand new person (but you'll make the same old mistake)

I finally know what it's like (you don't have what it takes)

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: New Person, Same Old Mistakes. Tame Impala ♩

Chapter Twenty. How did it come to this?

Lockwood sat with his back to me, staring at the garden. Like me, he rarely ventured out here although this was his childhood home. I let myself imagine him playing in the depths of the garden when he was younger, slicing the shadows with a wooden rapier and sporting a mischievous and lopsided grin. He turned now, peering over his shoulder at me as he awaited my response.

I gave an indifferent shrug as if I couldn't care less whether I said yes or no to his question about going for a walk when really, I did and he knew it. "I suppose so," I said, tucking my hair back and smoothing down my skirt.

He granted me a predictable nod, knowing all along what my answer would be, and held out his hand to help me up. I took it and then looped my arm through his, guiding him up the porch steps as if it had been my idea all along.

We passed through the house silently, brushing past George who was leaning against the dining table eating a slice of toast with a strange pensiveness that was almost comical. He looked up at the sound of our footsteps, eyes flicking back and forth between Lockwood and me. His face broke into a lazy grin and he nodded approvingly at me but said nothing.

"We're just going for a walk," Lockwood called out as we passed by the kitchen and into the hallway.

"Okay." George's voice hollered back, sounding a lot like he was stifling a laugh, which made my lips threaten to split into a grin. "You two have fun."

Lockwood sent me a raised eyebrow, clearly wanting someone to fill him in on what was so amusing. I sidestepped him instead and paid a visit to the hat rack, stealing a woollen scarf from its outstretched arms. My wandering eyes flit past the antique mirror hanging on the wall opposite me. A pink-cheeked girl stared back. She looked like nobody but herself. Her eyes twinkled and she seemed happy. I smiled and she smiled back. She didn't look like my mother at all, she looked like me. I spun around and faced Lockwood. "Ready?"

He held out his arm again and I took it. "Ready," he said.

"Not too long," George piped up, rounding the corner with a new piece of toast in hand. "It's already half-light."


We ambled arm in arm along the banks of the river Thames. The water, often coloured a murky brown in these parts was dazzling gold in the slanting sun. Nothing was pressing to be discussed between us, well perhaps my conversation with George, but that took an awful amount of courage which I hadn't been bestowed with. Lockwood was rambling about a particular case that had taken place along the riverbank. He seemed content telling me about the time he was thrown into the water escaping from two relic men and I was more than happy just to listen to him talk.

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