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I'm losing self-control and it's you

It really is, 1000 times

You've turned me upside down

And that's okay, I'll let it happen 

'Cause I like having you around

ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ: Don't delete the kisses. Wolf Alice

Chapter Thirteen. Adjustments

George pushed the living room door open, revealing the scene of Holly sitting stage left in my favourite armchair, daintily sipping her tea as if she hadn't just committed a heinous crime. If this were a cartoon, my eyes would be twitching, and steam would be billowing out of my ears. However, as this was real life I could only stand there, quietly seething.

Lockwood must have sensed my anger because he quickly rose and made his way over, wrapping a comforting arm around my waist and guiding me towards the sofa. "It's alright, Luce," he said gently, putting on the most reassuring grin he could muster. "Have some cake, you'll feel better in an instant."

I nodded sullenly and sunk back into the sofa cushions, eyeing Holly warily as she twirled a silky dark ringlet around her finger. Her hair was just as shiny as the rest of her, right down to the buckles on her shoes. It was almost as if she was trying to catch the attention of a magpie.

Holly trained her gaze on me and beamed, "You must be Lucy, it's a pleasure to meet you. Lockwood and George have told me you're a talented listener."

"I'm alright," I answered, accepting the piece of cake that George had passed to me.

"She's better than alright," Lockwood cut in, flashing me a smile. "Don't be so modest, Lucy."

"So," Holly continued cheerily, observing Lockwood's arm that was still draped around my waist. "How long have you two been together?"

George audibly choked on his cake and simultaneously dropped his mug of tea over himself. "Ouch!" He cried, hopping up and clutching his soaked crotch. Lockwood coughed and withdrew his arm. I did my best to not look visibly hurt at his action.

"We're not... together," Lockwood muttered finally. I wasn't sure if I imagined the disappointment that clouded his eyes, but his expression suddenly became pained.

"Oh!" Holly didn't seem the slightest bit fazed, brushing over our little incident and quickly moving on to discussing other things. Strangely enough, I was thankful for it.

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