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And I'm down on my hands and knees

Begging you please, baby

Show me your world

- My kind of woman, Mac DelMarco

Chapter Five. Escapism

Lockwood rounded the corner wrapped in a dressing gown with a towel draped over his head. "Don't you dare say anything," he said when he spotted me.

"I wasn't going to."

He smirked and made his way to the living room, closing the door softly behind him.

"I saw that."

I whirled around to face George who had emerged from his bedroom carrying the skull. A strange sulphurous smell seeped out from his room and wafted through the hallway.

I wrinkled my nose, "what on earth have you been doing in there all afternoon?"

"Experiments. Don't try to change the subject, Lucy."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

George tsked and shook his head in disappointment, "Denial, denial, denial. The first stage of grief. Are you two both going through something? No? Don't give me that look, Lucy. Sometimes I think I'm the only sane person in this house."

"Shut your mouth, George."

"Or what?"

"I'll kick you," I threatened, pointing to my combat boots, "in your scrawny shins."

"I don't see you moving."

"Stop your fighting, the both of you!" Lockwood hollered from the living room. "You're harshing my mellow."

"Lockwood, why don't you come out here and join our little conversation?" George called out.

"No, thank you. I don't think I will."

"Are you embarrassed by your dressing gown?"

"George, we don't tolerate bullying in this household," I cut in. "Everyone is entitled to giraffe-adorned dressing gowns if they want to be."

"Lucy, stop sticking up for him, you're only making this worse for yourself."

"Lucy is mean to me too," Lockwood called out.

"So, she's the problem?" George snorted.

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