08・❥・skinny love

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It's you, it's you, it's all for you

Everything I do

I tell you all the time

Heaven is a place on earth with you

- Video Games, Lana Del Ray

Chapter Eight. Skinny love

Lockwood groaned and slid down the wall, clutching his head in his hands. "George is out there alone with a ghost. He's in danger and there is nothing I can do to help him."

I hesitated for a second before crouching down next to him. "Lockwood," I said gently. He didn't look up. I carefully tilted his head to meet mine. His dark eyes were welled with tears, shame written all over his face.

"Please don't cry." My voice shook as I wiped away the tears slipping down his face. "George is going to be fine. He's one of the best agents we know and more than capable of containing a ghost by himself."

"I know," he whispered. "But I need to be there to help him."

I didn't understand why he was acting this way given he knew George better than anyone. We had fought hundreds of ghosts together. "Please tell me why you're so upset, Lockwood."

He didn't answer for so long I thought the reply would never come. "I couldn't help you when you went on that job by yourself," he murmured, reaching for my injured hand, and turning it over to examine the scab that still lingered. " I never forgave myself for letting you go."

My breath hitched; I hadn't realised he blamed himself for my foolish decision to try and prove my capability. "Lockwood-"

"And" he continued, cutting me off. "I couldn't save Jessica when she needed me the most. You were both alone and now George is too."

His words hung heavy in the air. "No," I shifted myself, so I was kneeling in front of him. "Lockwood you can't blame yourself." I clutched his face in my hands. "You cannot blame yourself for any of that. What happened to me was not your fault. What happened to Jessica was most definitely not your fault. Do. Not. Blame. Yourself."

He let out a sob and lent forward until his head was pressed against my shoulder. I threw my arms around his shaking form, convincing myself that if I just held him tight enough, he would know that everything was going to be okay. "I don't want anyone else I love to die." His muffled words just about split my heart in two.

Suddenly everything clicked in place. His need to put himself in danger. The way he jeopardized everything because he believed his life was expendable if it meant saving someone else. "Is this..." I stopped myself.

This was why he was so willing to jump from windows and throw himself in the path of a ghost. "Lockwood, you have to stop risking yourself."

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