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Few things we both have keep us alive

My life and our true love

Is all we need

I don't want to feel a world against our love

I don't want to grow old, alone and brokenhearted

- Norton Commander, Men I Trust

Chapter Twelve. Competition?

I woke the next day with the carefreeness of someone who felt they had little to no worries. It was a good feeling and I lay in bed basking in the pleasantness of it all. I was home, with only minor injuries and everyone I cared for was safe and on good terms.

Of course, all good things have to come to an end.


I jumped a little as Lockwood made his way up the attic stairs. He strode over fully dressed in a snug-fitting grey suit and carried a cup of tea in one hand.

"Here," he said, handing the steaming mug over. He beamed and took his time opening my curtains.

I accepted it graciously and did my best at flattening the wild halo of hair that I was currently sporting. "How come you're up and busy already?"

"We... I," Lockwood swallowed, taking his time to formulate a response. "There's someone I'd like you to meet, Lucy. If you'd just be so open-minded-" he stopped himself short and decided to flash me his most reassuring smile instead.

Of course, his dazzling grin worked. The butterflies in my stomach that had instantly burst to life at his words settled. "Who?"

"Her-" I didn't listen to another word Lockwood said. I could see his mouth moving and his eyes flitting over my face in clear concern, but my mind only focused on 'her,' repeating it over and over like a broken record player.

"Is that okay? Please don't be upset, Lucy. I don't want you to think we are trying to replace you-"

"WHAT?" I exclaimed. Replace me? What on earth was going on?

Lockwood sighed, "Did you listen to anything I said just then?"

I shook my head sheepishly.

"I just think we could use some extra help around here, with us taking on more cases lately and being injured. It would be nice to have an extra pair of hands, don't you agree?

"Whose hands?" I pressed, narrowing my eyes.

"Holly's. Holly Munro. You didn't listen to a word I said, did you?"

"How do you know Holly?"

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