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I guess I knew this would happen to you

Inside I did, but I refuse to know the truth 

I'm heading back inside to sit at home with you

I think I know what's wrong

- What once was, Her's

Chapter Six. Hiding

I don't know how long I lay in bed staring at the attic rafters. Maybe it was a few minutes or maybe it was hours. All I knew is I had replayed the moment in Lockwood's room over and over and over again. How had we gone from running around London clutching each other's hands to this? To make matters worse, it was entirely my fault.

The sound of the attic stairs creaking with the weight of a person brought me out of my trance. "Lucy?"

My heart leapt and then quickly regained its usual speed at the sight of George. "George, hi." My voice sounded scratchy. Had I been crying? I reached up and dabbed my eyes, quickly dropping my hand when I noticed George's expression. "What has he said to you?"

"Nothing. I was hoping you might be able to tell me what happened?"

I shook my head. "I don't think I can."

"Come on Lucy, whatever happened I'm sure it wasn't that bad." I had expected George to make a joke of it but he only sounded comforting instead. "He can't stay mad at you for more than a minute anyway."

"I don't think he's mad, George. I think I've truly upset him this time," I whispered, replaying the moment Lockwood had looked at me with those eyes. "What if he never wants to see me again?"

George looked conflicted for a moment before he shuffled over and perched himself on the edge of my bed. "Lucy, I don't think you understand that it would pain Lockwood much more if he pushed you away than seeing you around here every day. You should just give him a bit of space."

I nodded slowly. "Have you seen him recently?"

"No, but I heard him earlier. Probably kicking his wall or something of the sort. You know how he gets." George took his glasses off and polished them with his shirt, seemingly lost in thought. "How about you come down for dinner?" He asked finally. "I can make your favourite soup."

I glanced out the window where the rain was still beating against the panes. Soup would do me good, I knew that. "Will Lockwood be joining us?"

George frowned at me. "Whether he is or he isn't I'll be with you either way. Come down in half an hour. Okay?"



Lockwood didn't join us for dinner. He also didn't come out of his room for tea. George tried hollering at him and kicking at his door. When that didn't work, we tried biscuits to lure him out. Each time we were met with silence. It was only when evening approached, and any lingering light that had kept the ghosts at bay through the rain clouds disappeared over the horizon, did we finally see him. He came through the front door. 

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