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I've fallen out of favour and I've fallen from grace

Fallen out of trees and I've fallen on my face

Fallen out of taxis, out of windows too

Fell in your opinion when I fell in love with you

- Falling, Florence and the Machine

Chapter Ten. Redamancy 

In the early hours of the morning, the three of us burst out of Welbourne Manor. We doubled over coughing and spluttering. Lockwood staggered over to the dew-covered grass and collapsed. I lurched over and sprawled out beside him. George joined us a few moments later once he had finished emptying his lungs of dust and soot.

We lay there with spinning heads and aching limbs, staring up at the pink-tinged sky. To an outsider's perspective, we would have appeared to be cloud watching, however, there was no one around at five in the morning and therefore nobody to then scrutinise the way Lockwood's coat steamed with ectoplasm burns or the slimy green residue that clung to our rapiers. We stayed like that; crumpled and together, until the sun came up and we could no longer deny our need for showers and sleep.

Lockwood rolled to face me, a lazy grin spreading across his face. He had a gash running from his forehead down to his eyebrows and a dark bruise forming under one eye, yet he was still the epitome of vigour and vitality. I pressed my hand to my chest; my heart had begun to beat unnaturally fast. I was happy that we were speaking to each other again, the thought of it alone sent a warm feeling coursing through my veins. I felt lightheaded all of a sudden, although there was a fair chance that it was from the number of dust particles I'd inhaled.

"Everything alright, Luce?"

"Yeah..." I let out a shaky breath. What was going on with me lately? "I think so." Something is very, very wrong.

"You did a great job in there," he murmured, pressing his face into the wet grass, and gazing up at me through the wisps of his dark curls. Please do not look at me like that, Lockwood. It's making my heart ache. I reached my unscathed arm out and closed the distance between us. His skin was ashen and feverish beneath my touch. Worry began to thread itself through me as I realised something wasn't quite right with him.

"Thank you," I whispered back. I don't know why we were whispering but to speak any louder would have felt wrong, which was why when George finally spoke it was rather unnerving.

"Can you two please stop ogling each other so we can go home? I am tired and desperately need to use the bathroom."

I stumbled to my feet, wincing as a bolt of pain shot through my shoulder and travelled through my arm. I cried out and clutched my arm tightly. Lockwood and George quickly faced me with anxious expressions.

"Lucy? What's wrong?" George asked, trailing off as both he and I simultaneously noticed the dark red stain blooming on Lockwood's white button-down.

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