New life

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The mistress of death went by many names, having been reborn into different families and at different moments in time but one name had always stuck with her, no matter how many alternate lives she went through. In her original life, she went by Anastasia Potter, daughter of James Fleamont Potter and Lily Potter nee Evans. She was once known as the girl who lived and the girl who wouldn't die, which was ironic seeing how she was now immortal.

In her first life as Anastasia Potter, she died at the age of 106 with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren surrounding her as she took her last breath. She expected to be reunited with her parents, Godfather, Sirius and her uncle Remus but instead, she was met by a handsome man whose aura quite literally radiated death and darkness. He had given her the option of either moving on to the after life, staying by his side or being reborn continuously with her knowledge and power still in tact. The deity knew she loved adventures and danger, she was made to fight and protect and so, there wasn't much of a debate on what she would choose.

So, as the years went on, she would either enter a new life as a newborn baby or as a small child. She was able to choose when to pass on to another life, most of the time the decision is made when she had grown tired of the life she was living at the time and wanted a new adventure. Throughout her 1000 years on earth, she gained a lot more skill, knowledge and power which came as a great benefit. She had become many things, she was once a dark lady, a light lady, a death eater, an auror and even the headmistress of Hogwarts. Each life came with its ups and downs but through it all, she always had Mortem, aka death, as a companion who resided in her head the majority of the time.

Each life was hand-picked by Mortem himself, however, it seems Fate or as Anastasia calls her, 'aunt Te' had other plans and decided to create a different dimension with the promise of adventure and danger. Mortem and Ana had no clue what the sneaky deity had planned but you could imagine their surprise when she was transported into a world where she was the only person to have magic.

She was born into a muggle version of the Peverlls. She was the only child and truth be told, her Father was the only parent she got along with because her mother was nothing but a drunk who would rather party every weekend than spend it with her husband and child. Luckily, Ana appeared in the body of Anastasia Peverell at the somewhat mature age of 12. Unfortunately, she only got to spend eight years with her father until he was killed in a car accident, she was twenty at the time and was extremely independent so relying on her absent mother was never an option in the first place. At the age of eighteen, she moved to Georgia USA from London, England where she found Peverell manor, which was a gift from Morten and Aunt Te.

Her peaceful and mundane life went to shit in the year 2010, a few months after her twenty-second birthday. Mortem was livid with his sister, Fate, because neither of them was warned about the actual zombie apocalypse that broke out all over the world. Thankfully, Ana was immune from the virus due to the Zombies being literal dead bodies walking around. Fate felt bad for putting her niece in the predicament and gifted her with multiple things, ranging from a large magical motorhome which had six bedrooms, six bathrooms, a working shower and a fully working kitchen along with it being unbreakable and it never running out of gas. Her second gift was an all-black Harley motorcycle, which had been a gift she received from one of her fathers in another life. Her last gift was something that both she and Mortem joined on, Ana received a bottomless bag filled with an uncountable amount of weapons, her best being a Viking-styled crossbow with unlimited bows.

The bottomless bag had a multiple-compartment trunk, one filled with medical potions in case of an emergency, all being under a preserve charm to keep everything fresh. The next was filled with clothes of all sizes and for both genders in case someone was in need. The third compartment was for food that she collected whilst away from the manor, which was usually weeks at a time. The fourth was for items that may come in handy, like her five-bedroom magical tent and her invisibility cloak. Last but not least, was for a small two-bedroom apartment.

Anastasia stayed at her manor for a month or so after the apocalypse began but grew quite bored with just the many house elves and animals for company.

"Why don't you go explore? There may be some people in need of help" Mortem suggested as she sat on her couch, reading another book to keep her entertained. She let out a sigh and placed it on her lap, staring out of the large window that showed her the beautiful land that came with the property.

"I guess I could... Maybe I'll go into the city" She hummed to herself, debating whether or not the city was the best option. The last time she heard, the city was overrun but the dead arsewholes and even though she could quite literally walk through them without being detected, she couldn't stand the smell of the vile things and would rather avoid them as much as possible.

"Think of the adventure" Mortem sang playfully, earning a fond eye roll from the beautiful redhead.

"Fine" with a wave of her hand, the book flew slowly across the room and was placed in its correct spot on the bookshelf. She stood and with a click of her fingers, her silky sleepwear had transfigured into tight high-waisted black jeans, a grey tank top, a leather jacket and biker boots. She ran her hands over her hair and as she did so, it put her thick wavy red waist-length hair into a braid.

"Dobby" She called out to her old friend, who had been gifted to her by Mortem after she passed away from her first life. Dobby died after saving Ana and her friends from Malfoy's manor and it was quite frankly one of the hardest deaths she had to deal with.

"Yes, Ana?" Dobby was a lot different from how he was before, he was well-spoken and much calmer now that they fully bonded, making him look healthier and taller.

"Hi, I'm going out for a while and I'm not sure how long I'll be, so if I call, please do come as quickly as possible"

"Of course" He responded with a smile before popping away, leaving Ana smiling fondly.

She summoned her bottomless bag, placed her sunglasses over her eyes and made her way out of the manor and into her motorhome, making her way to the city.

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