Meeting the Campers

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The ride so far was a peaceful one, Merle was navigating our way towards the campsite his group currently resided and although I knew he was usually reserved and quiet, I was pleasantly surprised at how easily our conversation flowed. I decided to continue our conversation where it left off, though I made it shorter and not so complicated to understand because quite frankly, I still struggled with the ins and outs of the magical world and I've been in it for over a thousand years. I could tell he was fascinated by my magic and me in general, especially when I explained my title as mistress of death and what it meant.

As we drove down a quiet road, our conversation stopped as a familiar truck came towards us.

"Ain't that the truck they left in?" I asked with a frown, making him grunt out a confirmation. I stopped the RV and noticed that they did the same, officer friendly, which is what Merle called the man that handcuffed him, stepped out first, followed by the Asian man who I now knew was Glenn and T-Dog, the one who dropped the key.

"Merle, don't do anything stupid, okay?" He looked at me for a few moments before nodding his head with a grunt before we both hopped out of the RV.

"Well well well, look who it is! It's officer-friendly" Merle called out, his arms wide with a smirk. I followed behind and chuckled at his behaviour, making him look back with a softer smile before turning back to the group. It was then that I noticed another man appear from the back of the truck, he had dark brown hair, gorgeous blue eyes and muscular arms that were currently carrying a crossbow.

"Merle!" The man shouted in shock and approached Merle, who was smiling widely at him. They embraced tightly and I could feel the relief coming off them in waves, I felt as though I was in the middle of a heartfelt moment so I turned my attention towards the group, who was looking slightly put out by Merle's return until they noticed me lingering behind him.

"Who are you?" Officer-friendly questions with a distrustful frown, gaining everyone's attention. The man, who I could only assume is Daryl, Merle's brother, automatically aimed his crossbow In my direction, making me raise an eyebrow In response.

"Stop! She ain't no problem, she saved me from the rooftop that these fuckers left me on" He spoke directly to his brother, who was looking between me and his brother for a few moments before lowering the crossbow. I couldn't take my eyes off him, he was quite literally the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on and his scruffy attire seemed to be drawing me in even more.

"Darylina, I want ye to meet my new best friend, Anastasia. Ana, meet my little brother Darylina" I stepped forward with a soft smile, holding my hand out in greeting.

"Hi, I've heard a lot about you" His eyebrows shot up from what I could assume was due to my accent as he hesitantly shook my hand with a polite nod. I guess he isn't much of a talker, I shrugged it off and turned to Merle, who was smiling at the interaction.

"Got the cigarettes, darling?" I asked and he immediately dug into his trouser pockets, pulled out the packet and handed one to both Daryl and me, as well as placing one in his mouth.

"Any of you smoke?" I asked the group, who was standing awkwardly at the side. T-Dog nodded his head and I threw one to him, accepting it with a small thanks and a smile.

"I'm Rick Grimes, this is T-Dog and Glenn" Rick introduced as he stepped forward and much to the shock of the group, Merle stepped in front of me as though to protect me from any danger. Rick looked between the brothers with a frown before turning to the others, all exchanging odd looks. I placed my hand on Merle's shoulder, his body tensed for a second before relaxing under my touch as he looked behind at me.

"Why don't you go and get some water for the group, I'm sure they're thirsty," I said softly and though he seemed hesitant to do so, he knew I could handle myself. He looked at his brother for a moment before walking back to the RV.

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