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Hello readers.

sorry to say, this story will not be continued.

Sorry to keep you all waiting for a part I'd never write.

November of last year was when things started to go down hill for me, I tried to fill the hole with writing and music but sadly, It didn't work for me. I was falling into a depression to serious for things like that to fix. I've been to the doctor and am going to start seeing a therapist, which is a good thing. If you have depression or feel like you are suffering from a mental illness, Please seek help. Don't wait around for it to get better, or try to push it away, because more times than not, it will not help. On the bright-side, I am feeling better and am making progress!! Please, stay strong and never forget that you are not alone. I love all of you and thank you all for sticking around this long. How ever, I will be writing on this account once more, maybe not for the same fandoms or people, But I will be here if you still want to communicate with me or read my works or hear about my progress! Anyways, before I start to ramble, thank you all for keeping up with my story... even though I read back through it now and not think as highly of it as I did when I was going on thirteen /lmfao it was pretty bad/


Goodbye friends. Stay awesome.

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