Oh Well

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Gerard's View

"Oh, Oh god!" Ray blushes at my previous accusation. "What It's true!" Frank giggles and grabs an apple from the table. "So what are we doing?" Mike says as he tugs at his bag. "I want to walk to the park, Hang out there. It's pretty rad during school." Bob says, Gesturing at the door. "Nah man, that's kids play. Let's just stay here and-" Frank makes a gay-boy hand, "-TURN UP!" he says in a squeaky girl voice. I shove him lightly and laugh, as does everyone else. I plop on the couch, next to Mikey, scaring him a little bit. Frank and Ray are whispering something among themselves, then they run downstairs. "What are they planning?" I ask as Bob joins me and Mikey on the couch. "I don't know... Prolly something retarded as usual." Mikey says twiddling his thumbs. We hear foot steps thudding up the stairs, and before we could react, Frank and Ray are Strumming loudly on their guitars, Frightening us. "We wrote a song!" Ray smiles as he points at Frank. Frank turns around and winks at me then starts to strum on his guitar. Ray throws me a piece of paper. "Here dude, sing this." He says as Mikey goes to grab his bass. "Uh, OK?" I say. What is this?

'You're not in this alone. Let me break this awkward silence.

Let me go, go on record.

Be the first to say I'm sorry

Hear me out!'

Well it's catchy. "Whats this called?" I ask, As Frank and Ray play the chords on the guitar. "Skylines And Turnstiles!" Frank smiles. "Dude, remember when we were looking at the back of those books at the comic book store and we thought of that band name? What was it?" Mikey says. Hmm, I know what he's talking about. But I can't quite remember. I just can't... " WAIT! I remember! My Chemical Romance! Dude, that'd be the most epic band name ever! How isn't it taken?" Everyone's eyes light up. My Chemical Romance? It has a nice ring to it doesn't it? "WOAH MAN. We have to start this band. Just imagine, The fans-" frank starts. "The Money!" Ray says. "The Fame!" Mikey says. "The girls..!" Mikey winks, looking at me. "Nah, Guys. We need to be in it for the people like us... The Killjoys, The Misfits, the outcasts. Let's do it for the kids like us." I say, Everyone's eyes get wide at my words. "What? Can I not be nice sometimes?" I smile at them. The rest of the night we try to perfect Skylines And Turnstiles. It's sounding great. Like, Damn. I didn't know I had it in me to be honest. but I love it. I love singing. I love the sound of the guitars and Mikey's bass make, and the way bob drums on the couch. I Wonder how far we could go with this...? What if we make it big? I'm pretty sure we won't. We're all just a bunch of punks from New Jersey. How could we? I sit down on the floor after hours of yelling and singing and jumping around, Because I'm into an energetic performance. "You okay, Gee?" Frank says sitting next to me. "Yeah, I just keep imagining all this becoming a huge thing. And I kinda never want it to end, I've never been happier really." I say, Raising my eyes to see his, moving my hair out of my eyes. "Same here. I've never been happier, I love singing and playing. I've never felt more alive." He tells me as he places his head on my shoulder. "I love being here with you, It's always nice." I say, smiling at him. "It really is nice." He says kissing my cheek. "Hold on, I'll be right back." I say Jumping up. I run into my room and grab my sketchbook. "Hey, strike a pose." i say smirking at him. "Oh OK!" He laughs putting his hand on his chin. "This good?" He laughs, I nod and laugh back at him. I pull the pencil from the spiral of the notebook and begin to sketch.

Frank's View

"Are you done?" I ask, my arm falling asleep. 

"Yeah Frank, one final touch." He says, licking his lips and erasing lightly. 

He spent so much time drawing me. I hope it looks cool. Anything Gerard draws is good. He could draw a dead bird and it could have beauty in it.  Actually, I think he has. Oh yeah! I was with him that day.  I remember it all


"Hey Frank Look over there!" Gerard shoves at me. "Yeah? What?" I laugh fixing my hair from the wind. "Aw nothing. Forget it." He says looking down at his feet. We walk a bit down the road and sit on a bench. "So how's Lynz? You guys going good?" I ask with a sigh. "Yeah I guess. You know how she is." He says twiddling his thumbs. "Yeah, shes a craaazy Bitch sometimes, Homie." I say with a giggle. "I wish I could be with who I wanted to be." He says with a long breathy pause.

"Why can't you?" I ask.

"Just because, I can't. you wouldn't understand."

oh but I do. I want to be with you. But you'd never like me.

"Oh. Ok. I'm sorry Bro, Maybe one day you can be with Her."

"It's not a....You know what Frank,-" He puts an Arm around my shoulder. "-Thanks. You're a good friend." I cringe a bit at the word friend, but I give a measly thank you and we get up and start walking again. "Whoa look'et that!" He says pointing to a crow with a broken wing. "Ugh, Filthy crows. Hate 'em."  I say, throwing a rock at it lightly. Gee grabs his sketchbook from his bag and starts to sketch it. "Really? It's all bloody and shit." I say. "I think it describes me perfectly, An ugly bird with a broken wing, All bloody and tattered. Yup. Me!" He says with a rough motion of the pencil

You're Not an ugly crow Gerard. Shut up.

"Yeah, I am. What makes you think i'm not?" He says, Close to my face. I have a bad habit of saying what i'm thinking. 

"Uh, Never mind. Forget it." We both blush and I watch him finish the drawing.

-Flashback ends.

"HELLO? EARTH TO FRANKIE! I'M DONE!" He yells as I jump in surprise. "Oh sorry, I was thinking of something. Lemme See it!" He hands me the notebook and I cover my mouth. This is amazing. Woah. "Gerard, Wow." I say letting out a squeak. "Oh hush. It's not that good." It looks better than I do, and it's me. The colors bring beauty to me, Even if it is an almost comic-like representation it's so life like. I jump onto him for a huge hug. "Thank you!" I say, Planting a sweet kiss on his lips. "You're welcome, Babe. I love you so much." I laugh lightly at babe and mutter back. "I Love you too, Gaywad." I say as we both smile into a kiss.



sorry it took so long for me to get this part out, I was snowed in all last week and this weekend was my party and todayy is my birthday! Yay! so I hope you're enjoying the story, I'll write some more very soon. Don't forget to share, Like, and add to library! Love you all! >_<

*waves goodbye*


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