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Gerard's View

I get to the cemetery gates and walk in. I run to the bench I always sit on and plop onto it. It was a cool night, I was cold, I'm wearing only a tee shirt and jeans and tennis shoes, and I really want a jacket. The sky is full of stars and there is almost no clouds. Ugh. What happened? Oh yeah, I kissed him. Frank. He probably thinks I didn't like it. The problem is that, I did like it. A lot actually. I'm straight... But, there's just something about Frank that drives me mad, he's so adorable and just so. Ugh! Why do I have to like him.

This sucks.

I see a figure walking up the grassy path of the hill and then they're standing in front of me. "Thought you might need a jacket." Frank walks behind the bench and lays it over my shoulders. "Frank! Hey, I-" he cuts me off, "Gerard, I know, it was an accident. It was all my fault, I won't let it effect our friendship. I promise." He sits down beside me and looks me in the eyes. "No frank, it wasn't an accident." I place my hand on top of his and lean in to kiss him again.

Our lips crash together in the cold wind, I put my hand on his neck and pull him closer to me, our chests touching now. He deepens the kiss with his movements and I beg for entrance into his mouth. He grants it to me and our tongues dance together. His hand goes from my neck to my sides as he strokes down my abdomen. I moan lightly into the kiss and it drove frank crazy, causing him to moan lightly also. It was getting kinda heavy so I slowed down the kiss, leaving small pecks on his lips. He smiled into the last one and opened his eyes. "Gerard, you don't know how long I've waited for this night with you. I've liked you since the day I met you, you were so cute, and I was so awkward and timid, I still am but you've helped, and and and-" tears rush down his cheeks. "I love you, okay?" I give him a huge goofy smile and bite my lip. "I always thought you were cute, with your old blonde Mohawk, I always had to keep it secret because you know... I'm 'straight.'" He giggles and takes my hand. "But I feel the same. Frank, I love you too." He smiles and I wipe the tears from his cheeks. "Oh Gerard, you don't even know how happy I am to hear this!" He lunges into my chest and hugs me tightly, gripping the back of my shirt.

"heh, hey guys look at the homos!" we hear someone shout from behind the back gates. "Oh shit!" Frank darts off the bench and makes a B-line for the front gate, but three more of them walk out from behind a corner grab frank. "Hey fag! Whatcha gonna do? Kiss me?" They pick him up and pin him against the wall. "GET THE FUCK OFF ME MAN! WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE TO YOU? LEAVE ME ALONE!" Frank swings and punches him in the face. The guy screams, grabs his nose and lets frank go. I run to him and grab his arm. "Come on frank let's go!" I pull him up and we run out of the cemetery and back to the street I live on.

Shit, I thought we were toast.

Frank's View

We get back to Gerard's place and we go back down to his room. Bob and Mikes were in Mikey's room because we heard music coming from under his door. I never thought it'd be this way. Just me and you here alone... I walk into the bathroom to wash the dirt and tears from my face. I see that when one of the big Dudes hit me, it left a little cut and a bruise. Fuck, why can't they just leave me and Gerard alone? I mean, I don't know what we are now... Are we together? we kissed a lot back at the cemetery... I knew he felt something then, so I didn't hold it back, I just, Went in for the kill so to speak. I wink at myself in the mirror and dab at the bruise. I hear Gee walk out of the room and probably to Mikey's. They have the two basement rooms, we could do what ever we wanted down here really. No one comes to check on them or anything, they really don't care. I hear Loud laughing coming from the room so I jog around the corner to see what the fuss is about.

I see Gerard bent over, weak from laughing, at Mikey, who is wearing a pink shirt, and his mothers skirt, dancing to Brittany Spears while Bob is also laughing. I cover my mouth and try not to laugh but when Mikes looks at me and rubs a finger down his neck singing the lyrics Don'tcha Know That You're Toxic play I loose it and fall in the floor, screeching in laughter. "Heyyyyy Guyyyyysss! Why yah laaaaaaughhinnnngg?" Mikey giggles out. "Mikes take that off!" Bob yells. "Okayyy Babes." He winks and begins to strip 'Seductivly' . "OH GOD MIKES NO!" Gerard yells, wrapping a blanket around him. "But Brooooo! I wanna be a Skripper!" he mumbles, almost falling asleep in Gerard's arms. "Mikey, calm down and go back to bed. You're wasted. HOW DID YOU EVEN GET THIS BAD I MEAN DAMN." Mikey sits back down and keeps the blanket around him. "ehk." he says and passes out on the spot. "Bob, you stayin'?" I ask, fixing my hair out of my eyes, trying to forget about those guys at the cemetery. "Nah, I'm gonna go ho-Wait what the hell happened to your eye!?" He says, jumping up to examine my face. "Nothing, just some Jocks at the grave yar-" "Who was it, I'll KILL them." He clenches his teeth and gets all angry.

Woah, Well ok then.

"Nah man 'sokay. I'm use to it now." I say trying not to sound scared. "Oh ok. Well, friends stick together, I'll beat anyone of those Preppy Jock's Asses anyday. don't be afraid to ask." He winks and grabs his coat. "Leaving Bob?" Gerard asks from behind the corner. "Yeah man, the folks will be wondering." he walks past, giving us both a fist. "Well ok, come back any time." Gee says, waving slightly as he walks up the stairs out of sight. As soon as the basement door shuts behind him Gerard grabs my hand and leads me into his room. "So uh,-" He sits down on the beanbag chair. "-What'cha wanna do?" He said with a seductive tone. "I dunno..." I say, sitting in the floor in front of him. "Wanna Talk?" He says leaning closer to my face. "Yeah, actually yeah I do." I smirk and grab his hand. "Okay.. Whatcha wanna talk about?" He quickly pecks my lips and sits beside me in the floor. "Well... What exactly... Are we?" I ask confidently.

Gerard's View

"What do you mean?" I ask. I know exactly what he means. "Well, I mean.-" He shifts awkwardly and twiddles his thumbs. I snap beside his ear. "Helloooo? Earth to Frankie..!" He jumps lightly at my voice. I wonder what he's thinking about. "amiyourboyfriend?" he says quickly while covering his mouth. "What?" I say giggling, pawing at the hand over his mouth. "Am I, yours?" He says, in a calm, sweet voice, looking straight in the eyes. I swear his eyes pierce my heart. Frank... Mine? I hadn't thought about it like that... "Am I yours?" I ask shyly. He giggles and covers his flushed face. "Of course, fuck face. Who else would I be asking?" he laughs as I lean in for a cute kiss.



hey guys c: got over 100 reads yay :D are you guys liking the story so far? I'm kinda making it up as I go along.... I tried to make this part longer because my parts are usually short, but hey. My birthday is coming up in about two weeks so, I'm party planning cut me some slack. XD anyways, thanks for sticking around and another part will but up ASAP! Don't forget to share this with the fellow killjoys and don't for get to vote and add to library to keep up with me c: tootles!

*waves goodbye*


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