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Frank's View

I walk down the stairs with Gerard as he walks into the washroom to get something to clean my face. I walk passed Mikey's room to get to Gerard's, But as I do, I hear a familiar laugh. I lightly knock on the door. A messy haired, red faced Mikey appears, fixing his glasses. "Hey...What the heck happened to you!?" He asks, frantically touching my face and freaking out. "Cool it, I'm fine. Who you got in there with you..Why are you half purple on your arms..?" I laugh and point at all the sharpie marks. "Mikes? Who's there?" I hear a voice say. "Oh uh, well you see-" Mikey tries to reply before I see Skye pop out from under the gap between the wall and mikes arm. "FRANK! OH MY GOD!" she automatically tears up at the sight of me, She must of came here looking for me and just stayed with mikes, Which i'm grateful for. She couldn't of handled that. "Dad happened." I say as she wraps her arms around me and silently sobs onto my chest. "What happened?" she asks as Gerard comes up from behind me. "He hit me for saying he only cares about Porn and Dope. Which is the truth." I say. "It really is. That's why I live with my mom. I hate him." she says taking the rag from Gerard and gently wipes the blood from my face. "You're not the only one." I whisper and cringe at a sudden sting of pain. "I hate him, and I've never met him." Mikey says. "Same here...Why's he like that?" Gerard guides us all into his room, Because it's bigger. "I dunno, He's just horrible I guess." As I say this, my phone vibrates in my pocket. Who could it be?

I open it up and see it's a text from Pete, He said he was sorry and that he wouldn't pull anything else. I go to reply but again, he beat me too it. He says that Him and Patrick are going to the movies and he wanted me and Gerard to come with them. I reply back an, 'Im not in the mood, too much has happened today. i'll explain later xofrnk' . He reads it the instant it sends properly. Then of course, He calls me.

"Hello?" I say in an irritated tone.

"Hey! What's Wrong?"

"A lot, Pete."


I really don't want to talk about this again.

"Nothing. I have to go Pete. Good Bye." I say, ending the call. Gerard gives me that Ugh Pete look and I just hit him.
I grab Gerard's hand and lead him out of the room. "One sec guys. Be back in a minute." I say to Mikey and Skye. They nod and continue to poke each other.

As we walk into Gerard's room he shuts the door behind us, before I could say anything he presses his lips hard to mine and wraps his arms around my waist. "Frankie I'm so sorry for all this. If I wouldn't have been drunk you would have never came home to him and and-" I kiss him again to break his sentence. "Gerard I'm glad I went home because I helped my mom, some what. Yeah I wish you wouldn't have been drunk so you would of came with me but it's fine, I'm fine, we're fine." He smiles and kisses me softly again. I ask for entrance through his lips and he grants it and our tongues dance together. "I love you Frankie." He moans out softly. "I love you more babe." I say, slipping my hands under his shirt onto his bare waist. "Please, be with me forever." I keep kissing him, not thinking of what he meant. "Frank.,." He pulls away. "Frank, do you not want to be with me forever?" I gasp, "of course I do!" I say cupping his cheek with my hand. he just smiles and kisses me again, but this one leaves me breathless, my heart flips over and my stomach drops, my heart pumps violently and my eyes fog all up. I guess this was a kiss of true love, a love that'll make you go insane, but mad happy at the same time. The love I feel for Gerard, is that love and I feel it now.

Gerard's View

Frank stumbles back, holding his cheeks. "uh Frankie... You okay?" I ask, as his face turns a bright red. "Yes of course. I just-" He breaks sentence with a smile and his eyes start watering. He runs his hands through his hair and laughs nervously. "-I've never felt that...That way before." I get all insecure and tense up. Was I that bad? "Oh, was it me?" I say, twiddling my thumbs and looking at the floor. His face drops and he comes up to me, holding my face in his hands. "Nononono Babe, It wasn't in the bad way! That was the best kiss i've ever had in my life. It knocked the breath outta me even." He smiles and I ease up. "Really?" I ask, with a little half smirk. "Yes!" He shouts and kisses me again. This is the frank I fell for, the sweet loving one. I remember when I first met him, I knew I felt something, Something...strange...But in the good way, If that's a thing. He was all bashful, covering his mouth and blushing a lot . He moved from a different part of NJ, He had a bad rep but I didn't care. They said he was gay and just another weird satanic emo kid. Fuck those guys. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me, not counting my mess of a brother, I can still remember our first conversation...


As I walk down the hallway, something seems different, I mean not talking about the new school year, I since a new kid around here. As I turn the corner, I run slap into the kid. He falls down and his books go scattered all over the place, I drop mine as well. "Woah man, I'm sorry!" He says, wincing  in what i'm guessing is fear. "It's okay, Here, let me help you." I flash a smile and he blushes. I stack my books in a small tower and I go to reach for one of his, Our hands meet, For a second I swear to god I hear cheesy romantic music in the background. But he quickly pulls away and hides his face. "Sorr-Sorry!" I smile and laugh at him, He's so scared. He's cute, He's got blonde hair, spiked into a Mohawk. Even a lip ring and a nose ring. He's wearing a Pink Floyd shirt and a couple surfer looking leather bracelets. He's like, Really cute. WHAT AM I SAYING. LOOK AT YOURSELF GERARD. MAN UP. "so, what's your name? never seen you here before." I say while raking my hands through my black messy hair. "Frank, I'm Frank." He laughs as I help pull him up. "Gotta last name, Frank?" I say with a flirty tone. "Iero." He smiles back. "I'm Gerard, Gerard Way. I guess you can call me what everyone else does, Top emo here in Belleville." I laugh and he does too. "That's cute, Anyways, I gotta run. Bells gonna rin-" I stop him there. "You smoke?" I ask, pulling out my carton of cigarettes. "Yeah..." I hand him one and he slips it behind his ear. "Don't want it know, I'll smoke it with you later...Gee..." He smiles and jogs back down the hall. Wait...Did He call me cute?


"Gerard..." Frank snaps. "Oh sorry, Just remembering stuff is all." He smiles and hugs me. I love his hugs, one, He's shorter than me so it's automatically cute, two, He hugs me so tight and stuff and, I feel so loved when he does. "Wrong time?" I hear a voice say. I turn to see my mom. I jump and shove frank off of me, Sorry babe. "Mom!? You weren't suppose to be home I-" She walks up to me and places a finger on my lips. "Gerard, did you really think i didn't know? God you guys are so out about it how could I not?" She smiles and hugs me. "Honey, It's fine. I always knew you were the girly type with all that hair and all that-" frank butts in, "Ass?" he says. "- I was going to say sass." Frank blushes and I just laugh at the both of them. Well, that's one less thing to worry for. 



sorry for wating so long for this part, I had spring break and authors block at the same time, not a good mix. ANYWAYS, don't forget to vote, share, and add to library c:

*waves goodbye*


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