Kiss and Tell

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Gerard's View

As we walk in the house, me and Frank go straight to my room. I plug in my charger to my phone and walk in the bathroom to make sure I look okay. As I open the bathroom door I already see myself in the mirror. I look hot. My hair perfectly straight, falls just over my eyes. And my eyes are a burning tone of brown today, I know frank loves brown eyes. As I move closer to the mirror, I see my Misfits shirt fits me perfectly. Showing off my body exactly how I want it too. My old white converse are about to give out, but I don't care. I love them. As I walk back into my room, I see Frank sitting on my bed. "Baby, I missed you while I was gone." He says moving into my lap as I sit down. "I missed you too Frankie." he smiles and looks me in the eyes, but then he gets shy, Biting his lip and hiding something behind his stares.

"Everything Alright Frank..?"

"Yeah... I just missed you."

that wasn't it. come on Frank i've been your friend for over two years now, and your boyfriend for almost two months now.

"Pfft. Okay." I say as his lips reach my neck, sending me shivers.

"I dddid!" he says with a squeaky tone, moving up my jawline. He wanted to take this farther, so I let him.

(A/N not really smut but i'm gonna mark it like it is okai byeeee)


He slips off my shirt, Already getting all rough with me. "Gerard, Tellll Meee Howww much you Missssed Me." he hisses seductivley into my ear. "Oh Frank, I missed you so much, More than I could even bare." He smirks and bites my neck. "Ow! Fuck!" I scream. "Nah-ah-ah, screaming just gets moreeee-" he leans in close to my lips, "-Punnnnishmennnt." he hisses as he kisses me rough, Biting my lip. I moan from pain and pleasure, I couldn't really tell them apart at the moment because, Damn, Rough Frank, Is Sexy Frank. I pull off his shirt, before he could pin me down by my wrists. His kisses were becoming constant, Rough flicks of the tongue and light bites. "Stop being such a fucking tease and Take me already." me saying this drove Frank insane, causing him to speed up his grinds and kisses, pushing my wrists harder into the mattress. "Each moan gets another bite Gerard." He purrs, in an almost evil sounding tone. I couldn't help it. I let one slip. Frank notices automatically and bites down on my collarbone, Leaving small teeth prints. "Oh-hoho-Owww Shit!" I cry out. He looks up at me deviously and kisses down my waist. Ohhh Boy.


I wake up, Frank being cuddled up on my chest, Now that I see my chest, It's covered in fucking hickeys and bite marks. How could something that cute, Be so evil? I try to get up, But my pain kicks in. What in the Hell....Did we do?

"Can't walk?" He smirks. "Told you." He winks. Oh.

"So we...-"

"-Ohhhh Yeah." Bob says, Walking into the room.

"Bob, What, Why are you, We're Indecent ri-now homie." Frank says as Bob laughs.

"We could hear you from down the road almost! better be glad the wardens are out on business..." Mikey says, making a puke gesture.

We tell them to scram and we continue our cuddling. Ah, cuddling with Frank is so nice, Since you know- He's all small and babylike, but with tattoos. A tatted up metal manbaby... Yeah. as Frank dozes off again, his phone vibrates on my nightstand. I look at the ID and it's unknown.

"Uh, Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Frankie. Phew, Glad this is the right number."

"This isn't Frank. I'm His boyfriend."

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