Heaven Help Us

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Frank's Point of View

"It's getting pretty late, when are your parents getting home?" i ask Gerard as he laughs at the previously told joke. "oh, their working the grave yard shift, you can stay if you want. i'd rather not be lonely." He walks to the door of his bedroom and walks down the stairs. I loved staying with Gerard and Mikey. They're always so much fun to be around. they're all i got anyways...my mom's always at work and who knows where the hell my dad is.  "Hey Frank Come down here..." i hear Gee call nervously. oh great. what happened now?

I jog down the stairs and see Gerard standing there with his hand on his hip. "Those douche-nozzles sprayed the windows!" I look up at the windows and see 'kill urself fgts' written on them with red spray paint. "Fuck, Why the hell would they do that?" I yell. "I don't know but we have to get it off." Gee opens a cabinet and grabs the glass cleaner and two rags. "Yeah, But Wait, what if they're still out there?" I ask. He comes closer to me and whispers, "Then we kick their asses." He winks and slaps the rap onto my chest.

Gerard runs up the stairs to change shirts. He was oddly...sexy when he talked to me like that...

I mean, I'm bisexual. I've always had a small crush on Gee...

but he's straight.... I think.

But it doesn't matter. i'd never ruin our friendship like that.

Anyways, Gerard comes back down wearing some old paint splattered jeans and a white shirt. "Here I got you one too!" He throws a white tee shirt at me and I catch it. I slip off my white collar school shirt, revealing all my tattoos and pale skin. "And they Call me the vampire!" He laughs and pokes at my stomach. God what a flirt. "Oh hush, you're pale too!" I shout, punching his shoulder.

Gerard's View

 Frank's Tattoos are the best things.

Like Inky Art really.

They compliment his cream white skin.



He slips the shirt on and jumps up. "Let's go clean this bitch!" He laughs and runs out the door. We scrub at the paint for a while and get most paint off, but the glass has a pinkish tint. i hear footsteps coming up from behind us. "Hey Guys!" Frank nearly jumps out of his skin. we turn around to see Mikey with some medium sized blonde kid. "Hey Mikes! uh, Who's this..?" Mike tenses up and his knees go awkward. "Uh, I'm Bob. Bob Bryar. The new kid." He waves at us and stands straighter. 

He's kinda stocky with long blonde hair, he also has some stubble on his face. and a lip ring,

lip rings only look good on frnk.

"s'Ok if Bob hangs for a while? he's my friend." Mike Laughs and pokes Bob's forehead. Frank laughs and walks over to bob, examining him. He then holds out a hand. "Hi I'm Frank, Frank Iero. Sure you can stay you seem cool." Bob laughs and shakes Frank's hand. "Wait, what happened here?" Mikey points at the windows. "Those pricks sprayed the windows red... Me and Frank were cleeaning it up." i say, putting the paint stained rag on the ground. "Oh, well now that it's clean, LETS GO PARTY!" Mikey yells, running inside.

This is why I love my Brother.



did you like this part? i dont know how i feel about it.... Hope youre Enjoying it all though cx

make sure to vote and share it too your friends/cat/dogs/grandma :D

*Waves goodbye*

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