Rude Awakening

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Gerard's View

Did he just say,

What I thought he said?

I swear to god I heard him say,

That... Phrase...

My eyes widen and I turn to him.

"What!?" I whisper-scream.

His eyes go frantic and his skin goes pale. "Wha- What do you mean I didn't say an-anything." He gulps hard and I see him break a sweat. He obviously didn't mean to say it out loud. He was thinking about the m word... Woah.

He wants too... Marry me? I blush hard and smile at him, his face slowly eases up the longer I look into his eyes. "Sorry, must have just thought you said something... I dunno." I sleepily kiss his nose and roll back over.

I flutter my eyes shut once again and fall asleep.


"Gerard! Are you ready? Come on!" I hear Mikey call from the stair well. "Shut up, don't rush the bride." I laugh and fix my bright red hair in the mirror. Today is the day, finally. The day I get married to the love of my live, Franklin Anthony Iero. We've been together since high school, and now the long awaited date has come. I run down the stairs, ready to walk down the aisle to see Frank, I bet he looks fabulous, in one of the dapperest suits he could find, his one scorpion tattoo peeking from the collar. His short hair being combed and looking nice, as usual of course. His height being still significantly shorter than me, but him still being more aggressive than me, I being the more emotional, sass master.

As I run down the hall I slightly trip but catch myself on the wall. I just can't wait to get to those double doors. I round the corner and see the doors, with black ribbons placed near the hedges. I slow my pace, I stop in front of the door and take a deep breath. It's alright gee. You can do it. I whisper to myself.

I slowly open the door. The sunlight hits me in the eyes but I still see everything. The springtime grass, green and dewy, the chairs, white with red banners and black ribbons, the isle, white with black rose petals. It was beautiful. As I tilt my head up more, I see Ray, Bob, And Mikey standing in a row behind the Speaker guy. I've never known what they were called for real. Then. I see him. His smile beaming, his eyes sparkling, perfection. I practically run down the isle and grab his hands. The speaker goes to open his mouth to start the ceremony--


I'm shaken awake. I groan and unhappily open my eyes. "what? Why is it so important that you interrupt my perfect-" I open my eyes to see Frank's stepdad. "Get out of my house, Fucking faggot." He says, black-heartedly. I'm frozen, what do I do?! "Uh- Uh- Sorry sir I didn't I- I-" he cuts me off and points at the door. I hide my face and quickly exit his room and run down the stairs, out the door into the midnight streets of New Jersey- not a safe place may I add. Even though I live right down the road, it still kind of scares me to walk alone. I set off towards my house, trying to hurry and keep my head down. I can see my house now at least.

"Queerrr. Come'earrrrr queer boyy!" I hear from behind me. I quicken my steps and pull my hood over my head. "Queer boy! Come on faggot let's play a game!" I hear the voices getting closer to I make a sprint for my house. I run into my driveway and up the porch to the front door and fly in, locking the door behind me.

"Gerard!- are you okay?" Mikey says behind me on the couch.

"Ye-yeah. I'm- I'm fine. Just out of b-I'm out of breath."

"What happened?" Mom says, peeking her head out of the kitchen.

"Well, I fell asleep at Frank's and his dad woke me up and asked me to leave, and those jocks from school were outside and they chased me here. It's fine, I'm fine." Mom sighs and walks back in the kitchen.

Mikey gives me that dude, tell me the real story, look. So I motion down to my room and we go down stairs.

"Well, most of it was true, besides the dad part"

"So what did he say to you?"

"Okay, so you know how Frank says things he's thinking on accident?"


"He said he wants to marry me."


"Yeah I know."

"That's awesome, dude. 'Grats!"

"Thanks, but anyways. We fell asleep and I was having a dream about our wedding and stuff but then I was woken up, being shook and shit, and his dad was like 'get out of my house faggot.' And it was scary I don't know."

Mikey's jaw dropped, we've never seen Frank's stepdad but we never knew he'd act the way he did...

Frank's View

I wake up at about 3am and something doesn't feel right. I throw my arm sideways to feel if Gerard is still there... And he's not. Oh god, I knew I'd screwed it up the moment it slipped out of my mouth. He said he didn't hear me but he did. Now he thinks I'm some freak and now he's probably at home talking to Mikey about how silly I am for even suggesting... I slink down the stairs into the bathroom, but as I do so, I hear yelling from across the hallway in my mom's room.

"I will not put up with sin living in my home!"

"You don't own this house, I do. It's my son and his decisions. I'm calling Gerard and telling him he can come back. I can't believe you made him walk home in the middle of the night, Andy! That's horrible and you're no man for that."

So he didn't leave... He kicked him out. That eases my mind, but now I just hope everything's okay and he made it home fine... And that this little rude awakening won't affect our relationship.

"FINE! I'LL LEAVE." He yells as he storms out of the door. "LIKE I FUCKING CARE." My mom yells back, running after him whist throwing his clothes out the door.

Good riddance.



Hey guys, hope you're enjoying the story, thanks so so much for 20k reads!!! Like woah. It's an honor *curtsies*. Anyways, sorry for the short part. I'm having family problems and I'm not feeling well/happy enough to hop on it these last few days. I'm sorry, please forgive me v.v but you know follow, vote, and share this story with your friends blahblahblah. Love you all! :3

*waves goodbye*


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