I'm Gay But She's Still Hot

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Frank's View
Sadly, I have no classes with Gerard this year, making it hard for me to keep up with him and what he's doing. After lunch, I head to art class, which I only took to see Gerard, but he has it at a different time, so I'm stuck with it. I walk down the hallway that leads to the art room and see a big crowd. Fight? Already? I ask myself. Knowing Belleville, it's very likely to have a fight on the first day.
As I walk closer, I see it's an odd crowd for a fight, a lot of girls and the nerdy art kids (probably just trying to get past the blob of human masses doing what ever the fuck they're doing.) along with the jocks and the stoners... Okay...
Getting even closer, I know what this is now, it's happened to me a plethora.
Bully session.
I push through the people to try to get to the front to stop what ever it is, because obviously, no one else was interested in helping who ever this was. When I finally make it to the front, I see who they're picking on.
A tall, ginger boy has this short, freckled faced girl shoved up against the locker, making kissy faces and stupid noises. "Fucking bitch. I've heard things about you. GO BACK TO YOUR OLD SCHOOL. No one wants you here, stupid slut. All you are is a pair'a tits." He goes to reach for her chest but I can't stand for that.
"Hey! Back off you pig! Leave her alone! What the actual fuck, dude? Have you lost your mind?" I shove the guy back, putting myself in front of the girl.
"Looky here! Faggso McGee's back, trying to be a hero! Why don't you go drink bleach, emo scum."
"Your words don't hurt me, I've heard them all before, very fucking original by the way." I say, grabbing the girl's wrist and leading her out of the crowd.
"Where'r you going this period? I'm gonna walk you to class, hi by the way. I'm frank." I smile at her, trying to ease the nerves.
She's really pretty, she's short with short blackish brown hair, she's got tons of freckles and a really cute smile, green eyes... She's just my type, I mean, if I weren't gay and shit.
"I'm Jamia, Jamia Nestor. Hi. Thanks for saving me back there."
"Jamia, never heard that before. It's pretty! Like um, your face."
Really frank? It's pretty like your face? Fucking smooth man. Smooth.
She giggles and looks away from me, don't tell me that actually worked. "Oh it did. I'm a sucker for dorks." She laughs. Again, with the talking out loud frank, we have to work on that.
"Anyways, I'm going to art this block, what about you? I don't want to make you late and get in trouble or anything." I smile really big, maybe even jump a little. "No no-- I'm going to art also!"
And from that moment on, I knew I was going to be chasing after this, Jamia Nestor. All I got was that rad. Just rad. Come on! I'm so caught up over this simple rad, it's gonna kill me. What the hell. All I get's a rad. No facial expression, no smile. Okay. Okay. Calm down, that doesn't mean anything frank. god.
"Rad." I smile back.
"Rad." This time, she says it in a funny accent.
"Jamia Nestor, you're rad."
"Frank--Hey! You never told me your last name!"
"Oh yeah, it's Iero. Like, eye air oh. Y'know?" I wink, trying to be cute but obviously failing.
"...That Italian?" She squints.
"Nah, it's Mexican. My names Paco, that's actually what my family calls me sometimes--" She laughs and tugs at her jacket sleeves, pulling them over her hands. "You're too pale to be Mexican." She says, popping me in the arm. Feisty. "Oh hush, I may not be a vampire but I feel like one with all these pale jokes-- but yeah, it's Italian. I'm like the 7th frank in my family line."
The bell rings and I notice that we've walked two hallways past the art room. Good goin' Paco, idiot.
Gerard's View
Having no classes with Frankie sucks. I can't see him, or talk to him, or just look at him, marvel at his eyes and his raven black hair that's grown over the summer...
Bert's fun and all, he's just loud. And he's always cutting a joke, not much seriousness with him. Everyone thinks he's the bad guy but honestly, he doesn't really... Do anything for that matter. He's just a loud guy who everyone thinks has cool friends but not really, I'm his only friend at the moment. Not to be all self centered or what ever.
God, I look bigger. Walking past mirrors sucks. Have I gained weight? I'm not a chick so duh I'm not pregnant, but I haven't been working out... Nor have I been eating for that matter.. Not like in the eating disorder way, I'm just seriously not hungry. Why am I gaining weight? No wonder people know I'm a bottom.
Anyways, walking past all of the classrooms-- I'm a helper for the library this block-- I see frank. I awh to myself seeing him raise his hand and flip through his sketch pad. But then, he turns behind him. who's that? Who's she? Um, hi he's gay. Stop smiling. Stop. Stop blushing. Okay, good. Franks continuing to draw.
Wait what am I doing. I'm standing in the middle of the hallway, practically stalking my boyfriend and mentally stabbing just some random girl who happened to ask frank a question... Calm down. Goodness.
Turning to walk again, I automatically hit the floor.
"Woah! Sorry mate, I wasn't watching where I was-- Oh. You."
The voice. Brings back. Fucking war flashbacks.
"Thanks Pete, watch where you're going next time before you plow into me."
"Don't even start with me, Gerard. I'm not in the mood. I'm not looking to pick a fight with you this year. My infatuation with little Frankie there is over."
"Good to know. What's wrong though?" I ask, honestly not really caring but wanting to be nosey.
"Patrick left, for good."
"Oh, uh, sorry. Why?"
I shrug, I want to know but I'm not gonna start a riot over it. But knowing Pete's violent nature and bossiness, I probably could of seen this coming.
"Get's better dude." I say, trying to lighten our tension as he walks away.
"Not really." He says, throwing me the middle finger as he walks down the stairs. Alright.
I gather myself and get off the floor, brush off the dirt from my jeans and start the walk back to the library. I walk out of the main doors and the summer breeze hits my skin, the sun shining and automatically making me hot because I'm wearing almost all black, with my jacket, shirt, and well my hair. I've got time, I think to myself, pulling a slightly smoked cigarette out of my inner jacket pocket. I wouldn't have time for a full one anyways. I lean against the wall on the side of the building away from the door and windows and lit it. I look around for a bit and take a few drags, but right before I could put it out, I hear high heels stomping around the corner.
"Gerard dear? There you are! I've been waiting for you to come back down. I have a cart of art theory books I need you to run by Ms.Shelckler's room! --Oh and dear, smoking is a deadly habit, makes you smell gross too, yuck!" Mrs.Dandy, the librarian squawks as she walks past me, up the ramp, and back into the big main doors of the school. "Allllright then." I say, throwing down my cigarette and stomping it so it wouldn't still be all lit.
I follow the pathway into the library and walk through. Of course, the AC doesn't work in here and it's hot as hell. I walk over to the cart of art books I see by the check out counter. I grab it and push it out the doors, propping it open with my foot.
As I walk the pathway, I remember Frank's in art this block and maybe I can say hi, even get him out of class...
Frank's view
"Okay class, since this is the first day I'm gonna go easy on you. Your weekly assignment to start on is just a simple flower. Whether it's a garden full of live beautiful blooms, or a black vase with a crunchy wilted flower. I want some variety. I have to do some paper work, so just don't get too loud. Start!- Go!" Ms. Sheckler squeaks as she walks around the classroom to her desk.
I can't draw a flower,
A stick one,
Let alone a detailed artsy thing.
I look back at Jamia and see what she's starting on. She's already got a simple outline of a fancy looking vase and a rough looking stem with thorns.
"Woah damn, that's cool!" I smirk.
"It's not even for real started yet." She raises an eyebrow at me.
"Well, uh. Um--" I clear my throat and nervously laugh. She just smiles and continues to sketch away.
In an odd way she kinda reminds me of Gerard, her face is a little similar also, but not for real. I hear a knock on the art room's door.
"Can you get that, Joe?" Ms. S says as she spins around in her chair.
A medium sized, taller boy with a fro, but smaller than toro's stands up and goes to the door to open it.
As he does I see a cart being pushed in followed by a jet black haired beauty... Aka Gerard. He must of walked outside, he has a slight glint of sweat beaming from his nose and his hair is lightly tossed from the wind. He looks gorgeous, his leather jacket fits him perfectly and so do his jeans--showing off my ass.
"Sorry to interrupt, brought these books!" He smiles as he slightly leans on the cart. "Oh Gerard! There's my favorite student! You know where to put them." Ms. S smiles and points to the supply closet. Gee slightly nods and pushes the cart towards the back off the room. I catch myself not looking at the board anymore, I'm caught up on his ass. Hey!-- don't judge me. He is my boyfriend after all, and he does have one nice booty. I giggle to myself before coming back to reality and responding to the tap at my shoulder. I turn back to Jamia and she's blushing though it seems.
"Whatcha laughin' at?" She smirks
"Whatcha lookin' at? Surely ain't his face." She winks.
"HEY! Shush, his butt's nice." We both laugh and I see Gerard look back at me. His eyes study my body and he bites his lip and looks me in the eyes again. God does he look sexy when he does this, but he knows we can't fool around at school, certainly not during class.
He walks over to Ms.S and whispers something, she hands him a piece of paper and Gerard gives a devilish grin.
He walks passed my desk and places a sticky note. Needed by librarian. Pass to library. ~Ana S.
I look back at Gerard who is by the door now, he did this. A fake pass outta class? That sneaky little shit. I wink at Jamia and she giggles and whispers, "get a piece of that ass." As I walk by. Bless. If she only knew a third of it.
As I get out the door and shut it behind me, Gerard grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him. I feel him rest his head on the back of my shoulder and he lets out a sigh. "What's wrong? Everything okay?" I ask and he turns me around so I can see his face. It's not sad I can tell you that. His face has the most evilest of grins, biting his lower lip and raising an eyebrow.
"The only thing wrong is that there's no one to shove us in a locker this time."
Oh damn.
"Babyyyy, you know we shouldn't do this at school. I mean, as much as I want too, there's like a 99% chance that were gonna get caught."
"No there's not! I'm a library aid. I have a keyring with all the keys for the rooms in the library-- Inside and outside locks." He kisses me hard on the lips, making me stumble into the wall behind us. "Gerard! Not in the hallways! What if a fucking teacher walks by?" He shrugs and cups his hands around his mouth.
I slap my hand over his mouth and laugh, god I love him, but he's retarded. "So, library?" He holds out a hand and winks at me. "Okay sure, library." He crinkles up his nose in a cute little smile and he holds my hand as we walk out of the big main doors.
Hi! Kinda iffy about this chapter but I hope you enjoyed! A lots going on with starting high school this week so I tried to make this kind of a longer chapter¿ anyways, remember to share, vote, follow and add to library! Love you all!
*waves goodbye*

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