Secrets Out

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Frank's View

First day back at school since i've been with Gerard... Feels better than I expected. We walked to class together, alternating who walked who where and when, we sat next to each other in the classes we did have and secretly held hands, and it's lunchtime and nothing bad's happened yet. Phew. No beatings. "Hey guys!" My friend Ray says, sitting down his tray. "Hey Toro!" Mikey says as he opens up his water bottle. "Mind if I sit here guys?" Bob says from behind me. "Nah man, go ahead!" Mikes replies, taking a sip of his water. Gerard comes up from behind me and presses a hand to my shoulder. "Hey frank." He says, sitting beside me. "Oh hey!" I say raising up my head. "Whatcha doin'?" He asks me, putting his hand on my thigh under the table. I shutter and reply, "nothing, writing down some Lyric ideas for songs." As I say this I see Lynz glare at me from behind a pillar of the outside eating area thing. She slowly makes her way over and plops next to Gerard. "Hey GEEBABY!" She squeals, wrapping her arms around his neck, causing me to wince in jealousy. "Uh, hi?" he says, pinching her sleeve and moving her arm to the table. "Wanna come over tonight? My parents are out so we could-" "Lynz I'm taken." Gee blurts out. She drops her jaw and sits there dumbly. After a minute or two I butt in. "Lynz, go the fuck away. He doesn't want you." Wow I'm a bitch. Everyone puts fists over their mouths and make an ooooo noise. "Seriously Frank? You're just jealous that you can't get him because he's straight!" she yells. The whole lunch area is watching now. She stands up to make it loo more dramatic, so do I, I'm gonna sass out this bitch. "Hey, That's too far Lynz." Gerard butts in. "What babe? This Homo's actually your friend?" she asks poking at my chest, fuck you, YEAH YOU KNOW WHO ELSE TOUCHED MY CHEST? HUH? YOU'RE EX YOU WHORE. Lynz covers her mouth. Did I just say that out loud? Gerard face-palms and looks at me with his What the Hell, Frank look. I've seen it plenty of times, so I know i screwed up. "Gerard is that true?" Lynz Gawks. "Uh, Uh.-" He looks at me in the eyes with his i'm sorry look. "No, Hell no that's not true. You know I'm straight. I wouldn't go gay for Frank anyways." shit, that stings. I plop down on the other side of the table. Mikey sees the hurt in my eyes and puts an arm around my shoulder and whispers, "Don't worry Frank, he doesn't mean it. I'd go gay for you bruh." He jokes and laughs. Lynz leaves but I stay next to Mikes. "Frankie you know I didn't mean that." He says, wrapping his leg between mine. He mouthed an I love you and I mouthed one back. "So wait, What was that all about?" Ray mutters, Raising his head (I don't know how he does it, His hair is so fucking big.) "Is your brain all fluff, Toro? Did you even hear that?" Gerard laughs. "All I heard was the Creep coming so i tuned out." he says throwing a straw at Bob. "Well, Frank kinda, Came out." Gerard says, almost crying of laughter. "Hey! Shut up, Cock Sucker!" He blushes and everyone laughs. "Wait, So that was real?" Bob asks. Gerard looks at me and shrugs. "Yeah, Me & Frank are an item, I guess." He smiles. Everyone aw's and covers their faces. I scoot back to the other side of the table and sit next to Gerard. He places his hand on my upper thigh causing me to shiver and make a little moan. "Well, I say we ditch the rest of the day. This school is so sucky." Bob says, throwing the straw back at Ray. "I second that!" Mikey says, Putting his bag over his shoulder. "I'm cool with that, What about the love birds?" well, considering I don't have any other classes with Gerard, I'd love to hang out more with him. "Totally!" Me and Gee say at the same time. The bell rings and everyone walks back inside. We wait until everyone's gone and act like fools in the hallways. As Mikes, Ray, and Bob run ahead, Me and G stay towards the back, walking slowly swinging our hands together rhythmically. "This is nice." I saw in a girl like voice, making Gerard giggle and blush. But it doesn't last long. we hear footsteps behind us. Guess who?

"Where you going Homos? Back to the grave yard for a little-" He opens his mouth and makes it look like he's sucking a dick or something. "Home, away from you people." Ray says, his fro bouncing this the movement of his head. "No one asked you Toro!" One of the guys say from behind us. We keep on walking, Ignoring their ignorance. "Hey come back!" A big, buff, blonde one wearing a Crimson varsity jacket grabs Mikey by his satchel. "Man, What the hell! Let me go!" He says squirming out of his grip. "Hey man, Don't touch my fucking brother." Gerard says, clenching his teeth and fists. Another guy comes from my behind and puts me in a Headlock, causing me to cough and sputter. I start kicking at him, but I'm too short. He's already got me half way in the air. Curse my 4'9 self. "Ger-ARD!" I manage to choke out. "AH HELL NAH, PUT MY FRIEND DOWN." Bob says, Running over too the guy holding me. Bob swings at him and hits him in the jaw. The guy drops me and I hit the floor, gasping for breath. But before I could entirely gather myself, A guy picks me up and shoves me into an empty locker and slams the door. "Man! Let me out! What the crap!" I start banging and hitting at the door but it's no use. I can't see through the slits in the locker, But I hear three pairs of feet running out, and one, sounding like Gerard, Having muffled yells at the guys. After like five minutes of this, i lean against the back wall of the locker wall when I hear the combo being put in. Before I could react, Gerard waves gingerly, I cock my head and He gets shoved in with me. We're chest to chest and I actually kinda like this. The locker door slams behind us and we hear foot steps running out of the building. "Hi." He smiles and waves at me.


He's all sweaty and his hair is messed up from fighting. Damn he looks good. I lean in and kiss him hard, our hands automaticlly going to each others sides and we automatically get dirty, I'm not the only one I see. "In a locker? Really?" He groans out, as I kiss his neck. "Lets make the best of this." I moan out. He isn't complaining. I go for his school shirt and unbutton it roughly. I throw it to the bottom of the locker, Good thing it's empty. I kiss down his chest getting to the hem of his jeans. I bite at his pants and then move back up to his mouth. as he unbuttons my shirt I'm leaving rough scratches down his back, Grinding him onto the side of the locker. He lets out a moan as I grind our hips together. He tears off my shirt and pushes me against the other side of the locker. He kisses me Hard, Each one moan filled and hot, and I entangle my fingers in his hair, Tugging roughly. "Frankie you're turning me on too much." He says, as I scratch down his back hard. He lets out a loud moan, I shh him, reminding him were in a locker at school. "I can't -mmm- Help it f-f-frankk." He growls. I then again shove him hard against his side of the locker, Now he's scratching down my back and sliding his hands down my waist and down my ass. I start to kiss and suck down his neck, making sure I lead this time, since I chickened out on our last endever. I slide to my knees and unbuckle his pants, Instantly pulling down his boxers and I take him into my mouth, Hearing him groan Louder and Louder as I take more and more of him. He slams his hands into my hair, tugging roughly maing me take him even deeper in my mouth. "Fuck Frank I-" He screams with a rasp in his voice. "-Ohh frank I love you so fucking much -mmm." He moans, his body and voice filling with shivers and shakes. I take him out of my mouth and begin to jerk him smoothly. I go back up and suck on his neck hard, causing him to throw his head back and moan again. "Frank I- I-" he stops and collapses his head into my neck, breathing heavily. I make my strokes shorter and faster causing him to buck and groan. After a bit, He moans one last time and then he comes, getting it on my hand and stomach. He laughs tiredly and moans out an I'm sorry, But I really don't care, I pull his boxers back up and leave sweet kisses on his jawbone. "Frank, I love you so much. I'm sorry about lunch today. It was a lie, I just didn't want the bitch to know." he squeaks. "Its ok Gee. I understand, I'm sorry too. shouldn't have said anything." I say moving his hair from his face, Getting on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the forehead.






Gerard's View

I turn my head to see eyes in the slits of the locker. "FUCK!" I scream, pushing Frank off of me. "Don't worry Bro, I didn't see anything too bad. But dang, Put'cha Clothes back on, you freaks." Mikey laughs. Thank god it was Mikes. "Phew." Frank sighs. It scared him too. I'm weak from Frank. Who knew he had that in him. Hnng. My bae, is talented. I laugh at my own thought and I pull my shirt on as Mike opens the locker. "Oh damn, What did you guys...-You Guys fucked in a locker. Didn't you?" Frankie laughs and wipes at his mouth, slipping his shirt on unbuttoned. "Oh, Oh god guys NASTY." I laugh at Mikey being all grossed out and study Frank's back through the thin white shirt. "Damn Frankie, sorry for the scratches." I wink and bite my lip. "I'm sorry for yours too, heh, we should get locked in a locker more often." He laughs, touching the raw scrapes on my back. He drew a little blood, but that's no problem. I like blood, I like it rough.

I mean what? Forget I said that.

We get into me and Mikey's car and drive home, Ray and Bob were waiting for us to get back. "Hey guys? You guys look rough..." Bob says to me as I walk in. "It's called Sex Hair Bob." I wink at him. Everyone laughs and blushes at the thought of me and Frank. Me and him are actually quite cute together. Not just because it's me and him, just because we're so, I dunno I'm weird.



sorry for the smut I just couldn't help it ok. I didn't expect for it to get so rowdy like that jeez. And no I have nothing agains the real Lynz. It's just her character in my mind I'm sorry. Anyways, VOTE ADD TO LIBRARY AND COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK ILYA MY BÆS OK.

*waves goodbye*


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