All of You

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Mikey's View

As I get back home, I have Gerard's arms wrapped around my shoulders so I can lead him better. Bob and Ray decided to stay behind at the bar and Frank went home, He was hurting from Gerard's punch. I hate how he gets drunk, I mean I'm his little brother, He's really all I have because our parents don't give a shit. He's been my best friend for my whole life, and I'm grateful for that. I don't know where I'd be without him really. As I walk inside, I sit Gerard down on the couch, Him letting out a small drunken giggle and laying down. I walk to the kitchen and Grab a rag, I turn on the warm water and run the rag under it. I ring it out so that it's just warm, and not dripping everywhere. I walk back to Gerard, who is now tracing hearts onto the ceilings, "Gee, lay back." I say as he sticks his tongue out at me. "FucK yOu tiNa." He says automatically passing out back onto the pillow. "Tina? That's new." I laugh, laying the warm rag on Gerard's forehead. He lets out a small smile from the feeling of the warmth. I walk down to my room and plop on the bed, looking at my wall where I thumb tacked a picture of me and Gerard and Frank. We've always been close. Honestly, I've crushed on Frank for a bit. But you know I kept it way down because one, I knew he Liked my brother, Two, I knew my brother liked him, Three, they're so damn cute together I mean Come On! I grab my phone to see a text from an Unknown number, It says, come outside, please, Right Now if possible., ending with a heart emoji. HM..Should I? What if it's some stalker crazy person....OR what if it's a unicorn explorer.... OH MAN I'M TOTALLY GOING. 

I run up the stairs and out the front door. I don't see anyone at first, But then I see her, She's short, Not the skinniest girl, Black almost blue hair in low pigtails and shes wearing grey pajama pants and a loose black shirt wearing cute white slippers. "Did you-?" She smiles at my question. "Yeah, Hi. I'm Frank's stepsister, Skye. Have you seen Him?" She blushes profusely. Wow, She's really cute. And she seems awkward like me. "Uh, Yeah. He went, Uh, H-Home.-" I stutter and hold out my hand. "-I'm Mikey. Nice to meet you Skye." she smiles and shakes my hand, More like three fingers, Her hands are super tiny. That makes her even cuter. she laughs, "My hands are so fucking small what the hell!" I giggle at her, Her voice is just-Wait. 

"wait, how did you get my number?" I ask laughing.

"Oh, Gerard gave it too me when he wanted to stay the night at our house, He told me to text you,  but I never did until now."

"Oh my bad, So, What's up? Frankie in trouble again?" 

"Kinda.." she frowns and looks down at her feet.

"What happened?"

"Well, Our Dad came home today and-"

"Say no more. I've heard things about him... Wanna stay and hang with me? You look like you really don't want to see him, and I don't want you to go through that."

She smiles and nods, hugging me tightly across my waist, I hug her back, having to slightly bend because she's really short, Like 5'2, and I'm like 5'10 or even more I don't know. She grabs my arm as I lead her inside. I really hope frank is ok, But he has a really cute sister.

Frank's View

As I walk into the front door I already hear yelling. I guess Dad's back asking for more money and shit. "What the fuck? This isn't enough for anything! What the fuck do you expect me to do for 50$. You're a fucking idiot if you think this is useful." He says to my Mom as I walk in. "Oh Heyy dad, Nice to see you as always." I say, My voice laced with venom and sarcasm. "Fuck you, worthless faggot." He says as I walk past him. "Love you too dad." I say, opening the fridge. "Quit getting smart with me, I'd never love you, Don't even joke about that, runt." I roll my eyes. "Like I gave a fuck if you cared about me, All you care about is your porn subscriptions and Dope." My mom's eyes widen at my words. He comes up to me and puts his hands around my neck, shoving me against the fridge, "Take that back." he spits at me. "Fuck you." I whisper in a sweet sounding tone. He clenches his fist and holds it in the air. "Take it back!" he screams. "Let him go! Stop you're hurting him!" My mom yells in the background, "Mom, stop. Go ahead and hit me Mr.Badass. Hit your own fucking son. See if I care." As I say this I feel the force of his fist collide with my face, He hit me hard in the nose. He didn't stop there, He punched me again in the mouth, and while I was on the floor leaking blood, He kicks me down, closer to the floor. "What are you doing! Get out! stop!" I see him grab my mom, Pushing his hands up her shirt and down her pants. She shoves him down and he gets back up, Punching her and taking all the money from her wallet. "Bye bitch." He says, laughing and walking out of the house. 

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