24' Kidnapped

27 0 0

Word count: 1.7K

Renjun villain arc.... Start


Y/N's POV:

Describing the basement as a magnanimous place would be a major understatement.

No words could define its beauty.

It was really huge. The walls were black and there were dark blue lights running across the ceiling.

Yes, dark blue. It managed to let this place keep it's mysterious status.

There were so many things around me yet nothing at all.


The amount of space this place had made whatever was in it look small.

It looked like a lab without chemicals. Only gadgets and all types of weapons fastened to the walls.

In the middle sat a huge round... Table? Machine? I'm not sure.

"Want a pic so that you can stare at it longer?" Haechan teases.

I ignore his comment and walk around to have a look. I'm usually afraid of dark, empty and huge places. But this place has me hooked.

I reach in the middle and the machine looking table starts to sink into the floor.

It startles me and I jump back almost falling but luckily Haechan is there to hold me.

"Woah, relax." He says while grasping my shoulders from behind.

I quickly turn around, now facing him and bury my face into his chest while shaking.

"What's happening!" I let out a muffled shriek.

Haechan laughs and taps my back instead.

I look up at him and he points behind me.

I slowly turn and the table is gone, now just a mosaic round circle on the floor.

"That's our working table. It's automatic as you can see." Haechan says behind me.

"Woah!" I take a step forward and tap my foot where the table used to be.

"Yeah, it's still a floor too." Haechan nods and takes my hand.

He brings me to the middle and points to seven glass doors in front of us. All of which I hadn't noticed at all.

"Those doors lead to our custom working stations. Each one of us has their own. Designed to suit our positions in the job." He says before tapping something on his watch.

Bold white letters appear on each dark door indicating a position.

I read them each from left to right.








Haechan then tells me that they're each in order.

I re-read them and my heart sinks at the second one.

"Double Agent." I whisper not sure if Haechan heard me.


No, I shouldn't mention him.

"You're an investigator?" I change my words.

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