⟢ it's not fair , mikage reo !

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how unreasonably in love i am with everything you do

❝ how unreasonably in love i am with everything you do ❞

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mikage reo ! x reader
genre & type ! fluff ficlet


( now playing...!
fair , the amazing devil )

MIKAGE REO GETS overwhelmed easily, that was fairly obvious to anyone who spent more than a few days with the purple-haired heir

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MIKAGE REO GETS overwhelmed easily, that was fairly obvious to anyone who spent more than a few days with the purple-haired heir. Atop his many responsibilities; he was always being watched by his parents, his adoring fans, and the paparazzi. That said, anyone would be overwhelmed but Reo has learned to deal with his anxiety by suppressing it until he was certain no one was watching. The only two people in the world who would ever see this side of him were Nagi Seishiro, his best friend, and you, his significant other.


The moment he opened the door, he was greeted with a hug from you. You always tackled him after a long day of practice, the serotonin boosts he so desperately sought. He let his gear fall to the ground so that he could embrace you fully, pulling you into his strong arms as a smile laced his handsome features.

"Hi beautiful," he mumbled as he felt your hands tangle themselves in his hair, pulling the hair tie and allowing his strands to fall loose. "I missed you."

A giggle escaped your lips as he gently pressed a few kisses to your nose. "I miss you too, Reo."

Reo wasn't sure how he managed to get you off of him but he did, throwing his gear onto the expensive leather couch in his shared living room with you before coming back to the dining room where you had dinner laid out for him. It was pasta night, it seemed.

"I learned a new recipe! Hiori sent it to me." You beamed, gesturing to your hard work with jazz hands. Reo couldn't help but laugh, acknowledging your work with an 'it looks delicious' as he sat down for a late-night dinner.

Reo enjoyed dinner in mostly silence, all the while you watched his expression - trying to gauge his reaction to your cooking.

"It was delicious, love." He responded, finishing the entire plate in a matter of minutes. He hadn't had time to eat in between the morning and afternoon practice that lasted until later in the evening, but it seemed worth it coming home late to eat your cooking.

Delighted with his response, you pressed a quick kiss to his temple. "Good, now go shower. You smell bad." You said jokingly, picking up the dirty dishes and placing them in the sink for a wash.

"Eh? But I think I smell just fine. C'mere and give me a hug." Reo joked, threatening to throw his arms around you. Naturally, you responded with a huff, pulling yourself away from him to retrieve something from your shared bedroom.

"Until you shower, there will be no hugging or cuddling." You said, re-emerging from your bedroom and throwing a towel at him. "Now go."

Reo caught the towel with ease and threw it over his shoulder. He stood up from the dining table and made his way over to you. "How about a compromise?"

You raised an eyebrow at him. "Mikage, what are you planning now?"

He smirked as he leaned in, stealing a quick kiss. "Kiss me again and I'll go shower." Always the tease, you couldn't help but cave.

"Fine." You sighed, giving in to his compromise, and kissed him.

Something particular you've noticed was that Reo's lips are unusually soft, and taste like artificial cherries. It was probably the high-end lip moisturizer sent to him for PR. You liked it.

"Cherries?" You asked, raising an eyebrow at him as he waltzed past you, heading towards the bathroom for a wash.

"Laneige sent me their new lip balm flavors, do you like it?" He answered, flashing you a smirk.

"Mhm." You replied with a small smile.

"Noted." He grinned. What a dork.

author's note !

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author's note !

( 031223 ) REOOOOOOOO!!! i love reo so much guys, you have no idea <//3 originally this was a kissing prompt but i didn't want to turn this into a nsfw thirst for him

reonagi makes me so emotional aghhh,,, they tear my heart apart but i come back everytime for more LMAOOOO

oh ! oh ! btw,,,, opening up requests again, pls send me some! just be sure you're reading the rules :)

anyway <3 thank you as always for reading my darling friends! hope you have enjoyed !

until next time!

support me ! twitter , huawynn | ao3 , huawyn | commissions , ko-fi.com/yiing

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