⟢ haunted , itoshi rin !

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❝ shinunoga e-wa (i'd rather die) ❞

❝ shinunoga e-wa (i'd rather die) ❞

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itoshin rin ! x reader
genre & type ! fluff ficlet


( now playing...!
死ぬのがいいわ , fujii kaze )

OCTOBER MEANT THAT spooky season was just around the corner

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OCTOBER MEANT THAT spooky season was just around the corner. Naturally for you, a self-proclaimed autumnal enthusiast, this meant that you could finally indulge in scented candles, cozy blankets, and watching as the leaves turn from green to the more appropriate color palette for the season change. Better yet, the best holiday was just around the corner - Halloween.

"Rin-Rin! Let's go!" You pulled on the sleeve of his sweatshirt, dragging your boyfriend to the looming building that contained the haunted house attraction that was the pinnacle of the local Halloween spook festival.

Rin looked disinterested but followed you anyway. He took a glance at the building, observing the fake blood splatter and half-assed attempts to put the cobweb up. It was pathetic how sad the supposed 'haunted house' looked. But the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.

"This is stupid." He replied, following you into the building once you handed the tickets to the girl running the ticket admission.

You made a face at him, sticking your tongue out as you ignored his protests. "It will be fun, cheer up a bit!"

He rolled his eyes but didn't resist when you held onto him, arms clinging onto his. You smiled, marching bravely into the dark building with your bored boyfriend in tow.

The building was hardly lit; red LED light provided just enough illumination for the two of you to navigate the rooms. Surprisingly, the inside was rather nicely put together with believable Victorian furniture with occasional cobwebs and blood splatter.

"What do you think, Rin-Rin?" You asked, guiding your boyfriend through the house. Rin lingered a few steps behind you, watching you marvel and dance through the horrific setting - he questioned whether or not you were quite 'right' in the head to be so excited in a place like this.

"It's alright." He replied, half-bored with the spectacle. He's never been the type to be impressed with this sort of thing; of course he wasn't phased in the slightest though there was a slight waver in his voice. "Definitely not worth the five hundred yen."

You smiled, gently pulling him along. "It's the experience that counts! C'mon!"

As the two of you weaved through the house, you were met with series of jump scares. Yet despite this, you didn't seem all that phased by their attempts to frighten you. Instead, you poked fun, laughing merrily and skipping through the haunted house without a care in the world.

"Huh... It doesn't look half bad!" You said to your boyfriend, walking confidently into the next room when suddenly a hand grabbed at your shoulders - it wasn't Rin's.


You turned around, meeting the gaze of a horribly burned man. His makeup was ghastly, though somewhat believable in this lighting. You couldn't help but brighten in excitement, 'wow'ing in delight. "So realistic! Is it a mask?"

A confusion replaced the man's frightening expression which only prompted further excitement when you realized it wasn't a mask. It was effect makeup!

"Oh wow...! Amazing!" You giggled, poking fun at his baffled expression when suddenly someone grabbed the collar of your shirt, dragging you through the rest of the attraction.

"Rin! You found me!" You smiled, looking up at your grumpy-looking boyfriend. He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he dragged you along.

"Shut up. We're leaving." He huffed, prompting you to giggle at the realization.

"Ah... You're not scared are you?" You teased, watching as his eye twitched in annoyance.

"As if!" He answered too quickly, answering your question when you noticed the slight flush of red on his cheeks.

"Aw! If you were scared, you could've just said so!" You laughed, smiling when suddenly, he dropped your collar - marching ahead with the goal to prove you wrong.

"Wait— Rin!"

Your eyes go wide when you notice the shadowy figure looming in the distance, right by Rin when suddenly a loud scream filled the attraction - whether it was the staff's or your boyfriend's... You couldn't be sure.

 You couldn't be sure

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author's note !

( 042923 ) not terribly pleased with this one :/ probably because i wrote this while i was staying up after an all-nighter... my apologies

not quite spooky season yet but the this was requested by someone so i wanted to fulfill their request regardless. it's a cute prompt.

anyway! thank you so much for supporting me as always ! & until next time!

support me ! twitter , huawynn | ao3 , huawyn | commissions , ko-fi.com/yiing

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