⟢ my mind on you, nagi seishiro !

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say yes to me

❝ say yes to me ❞

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nagi seishiro ! x reo's twin ! reader
genre & type ! fluff ficlet


( now playing...!
say yes to heaven , lana del rey )

! say yes to heaven , lana del rey )

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"NAGI... NAGI...!"

BLINKING TWICE, NAGI'S eyes finally refocused to see you standing in front of his desk - holding a small box in hand. He quickly glanced around the room to see that many of the students have left their desks - a few still lingering by. The white-haired football player groaned, stretching his long limbs before he looked up to finally acknowledged you.

"(y/n)...? What's the matter...? Is school over yet..?" He asked languidly, rubbing the corners of his eyes as he glanced up at you.

A sigh escaped your lips as you shook your head 'no' much to his disappointment. It seemed today was going by exceptionally slowly...

"It's lunchtime. You slept through the last lesson... Sensei is going to scold you again." You answered, placing the bento box on his desk. "Here."

Nagi tilted his head to the side in confusion, staring at the box placed in front of him. "What's this...?"

Another sigh left your lips. You shook your head at him in disbelief. "Your lunch. My brother and I made extras this morning. Reo's insistent that you eat during lunchtime seeing as how you always nap through it. It's not healthy, you know."

Nagi hummed in acknowledgment, his eyes seemingly never leaving yours despite his evident sleepy state. He has always been rather attentive toward you.

You, on the other hand, weren't nearly as attentive to notice the apparent signs that Nagi Seishiro is so obviously crushing on you. Even your twin brother (as much as you love him, he can be rather stubborn when it comes to certain things) started to notice the way Nagi would lean closer to you while you spoke, the way his eyes would light up a bit, and the way his body language would move so he would hear you better.

Now the real question is, did Nagi realize these things himself?

"Nagi... I don't have to call Reo over, do I?" You huffed, noticing that he was beginning to space out again. Fearing he may fall asleep again, you hoped your words may be enough to keep him awake to eat.

"Mm..." Nagi let out a soft noise, moving his head in a way that vaguely resembled him shaking it. Another sigh left your lips as you stared at him - trying to think of a way that would get him to eat his lunch...

"Here." You opened up the bento and took out the utensils within. Nagi said nothing as he watched you, wordlessly staring in mild confusion as to what you were doing.

You picked up a piece of the ebi fry delicately, bringing it close to Nagi's mouth. "Say 'ah'...."

"Ah..." Nagi took a bite thankfully, chewing on the fried shrimp with no further complaints. A smile grew on your lips as you watched him eat.

"What do you think?"

"Mm..." He mumbled, still chewing on it. "Really crunchy."

You laughed quietly, shaking your head at him. "I mean the taste. Is it alright? Do you like it?"

Nagi nodded, finishing off the rest of the shrimp as you fed him the other things inside of the bento. Much to your delight, he ate it all without further complications.

"Thank you for the meal." He mumbled, clasping his hand together as you cleaned up for him.

"Mm? Is that directed to me?" You teased, smiling at the white-haired football player. Despite the jest, you were really pleased - perhaps your brother was right to always want to take care of Nagi. He really is mesmerizing.

Nagi's eyes watched your figure begin to move away once he finished the lunch. A thought briefly crossed his mind when he suddenly reached out, seizing your wrist, prompting you to stay still as look glanced back. "Nagi...?"

He always did things inexplicably, without too much thought. It was a pain for him to think too deeply... He always chose to act on instinct or impulse. This time is no different, yet he supposed there was certainly a reason behind it.

"Did you eat yet?"

You blinked at his question, rather perplexed at first before you let out a quiet laughter. "Not yet. I'll eat right before class starts again."

His emotions weren't as discernible as others, but you've known Nagi long enough to be able to tell that he was upset by that news.

"Then... could I try feeding you this time?"

His words came as a slight shock to you, though of course... You couldn't quite turn his wonderful offer down.

"Sure." You nodded, feeling a sense of giddiness build in your chest. Oh, you couldn't wait to tell Reo about this later...!

Nagi smiled at your words, himself feeling a sense of relief as he released your wrist. His phantom touch still lingers on your skin. His eyes never leaving you, looking at you like a thing of reverence - and you him.

All the while, Reo is screaming outside the classroom for the two of you to kiss already.

All the while, Reo is screaming outside the classroom for the two of you to kiss already

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author's note !

( 060623 ) my internship has finally started and my god am i tired... wrote most of this during my lunch break hence the insert of lunch and people feeding each other. im surrounded by couples here...

this is borderline reonagi if you squint (they're my favorite pairing in blue lock) since the insert character is a mikage / reo's twin. it's more or less the two reo's taking care of nagi (how lucky for him).

thank always for supporting me <3 hope you have enjoyed this one! until next time, dearest friends!

support me ! twitter , huawynn | ao3 , huawyn | commissions , ko-fi.com/yiing

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