Yoon Jeonghan

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The sun rays passed through the big curtains covering the only source of light in the room...illuminating the dark room with their blindfold shine....the constant clicking of buttons resonated the room...harmoning with the birds chirping outside....it felt like a melody...the mornings of Summer always give such a calm vibe, shaking your heart....filling it with peace...

But the certain someone doesn't seem to care about it...as he was busy in doing his work...and now how is he awake at this...dude he ain't an early bird he haven't slept whole night....he runs his hand through his long blonde locks stretching his body...he looked towards the peeking sun rays behind the curtains and chuckles....cause he again broke his promise...

You know he promised his mom that form now on he won't stay up whole night to do work...but just now he broke that..."she's going to kill me"...he slightly whispers to himself and gets up from his chair making his way to the door....

He walks down the silent corridor and reaches his room...a *click* could be heard as he turns the knob and enters the room....he directly goes towards his walk in closet and chooses his dress for today....you see he is rich but not those spoiled type for whom servants have to prepare everything he likes to do his work by himself...can say a habit he gained after living alone for years....

After a long hot shower he comes out of bathroom fully dress....Black blazer of his suit hugging his strong yet petty frame....Cherry colour lips shimmering under the sun light coming through windows...and his shoulder length blonde locks lightly swaying because of morning breeze....He's beautiful, pretty, handsome, in short ethereal....And guess what his nickname itself is Angel....Not only he looks like an angel but he is an angel as personality wise...Kind, Sweet, intelligent,Softhearted.....but he still becomes evil whenever he plays games...:)

He is one and only  "Yoon jeonghan"

He walks inside his garage only to see his car was already ready by his butler....he walks towards driver seat thanking the butler in process and makes his journey towards his office....He don't wanna be late that's why he didn't had breakfast...eventhough he is a CEO of his company..."Carat _World"....

He walks in empty hallway after parking his car...He reaches the pantry of office and made himself a coffee....he started to make his way to his office room and also drinking his coffee...as he enters he hears a some voices...like someone is finding something..without stopping he goes towards his chair and found someone bended down and looking for something....on seeing the person an evil idea came to his mind....and he did what he anticipated to do for along time now....

"AHHHH! Yahh! Idiot! Owww! My back...the fuck why did you kick me at back..Ahh now it's paining"....the person who was bent down shouted after being kicked from one and only his best friend a devil in Angle's disguise...

"Oh dear it didn't hurt alot...like how you're acting get up now drama queen...what were you looking for down there"
Jeonghan says as he takes his hand bringing him up form ground....

"I was looking for my phone...i came to your table for Mr Choi's file and it fell down" the person says after being helped by the only person who hurted him....

"Oh right so why are you so early...you know you never come office so early"....
Jeonghan asks after taking his seat on his leather swirl chair....facing his best friend who was sitting infront of him now...."well wanted to finish work early as mom had called me last night telling me to come home early because some guests are coming"...  jeonghan makes an O face...and nodes his head..."you know my mom also called me last night to come home early today we have to go somewhere".... he says while making a thinking face and looked at his friend...only to find him staring at him with "are you also thinking what i am thinking" face....He nods his head and the other person says "that means our families are meeting...but why would they meet so sudden i mean we had dinner together last week at your house...nothing happened after that...only my brother came from L.A....Wait"... he suddenly screams scaring the shit out of jeonghan as he put his hand on his heart and glares at his  best friend for being so much dramatic...

"Wait...are they going to talk about Our wedding"
"Nah i ain't gonna let you marry my brother you idiot"...
"Yahh why? My dear Hannie don't be like those evil brothers in my kdramas....you know i love your brother alot...don't do this to your one and only brother in Law...aka Me"
"Oh shutup Tae you know it yourself that i am the person who supports yours and jungkooks relationship the most...so put your dramatic ass aside"... jeonghan says acting all annoyed eventhough he is not...he is happy to have a best friend like taehyung...who is always there for him no matter what.... but sometimes he can be a pain in ass like right now he have started to plan his wedding and all which isn't confirm yet and forgetting about the fact that they have to finish their work before 5...btw they both are business partners...

"Kim Taehyung...back to earth for your kind information we have to complete this work as soon as possible unless you don't want what happened last time"... jeonghan says threatening taehyung...and when taehyung gets what he means he started to do his work rather than staying in his dreamland...he still remembers what happened when they were late for their family dinner...

"Oh no i don't want it to repeat itself....i still can feel shiver running down my spine...when your mom dragged us down the hallways infront of all the employees while grabbing our ears...ahh what a humiliation...Man your mother is scary"... tae says while rubbing his hands on his arms after feeling goosebumps...making jeonghan laugh...and as usual they started to do their work...while talking casually as employees also started to come....


Yoon Jeonghan25 years oldCEO of his company "Carat _World"Sweet, kind, Softhearted, intelligent

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Yoon Jeonghan
25 years old
CEO of his company "Carat _World"
Sweet, kind, Softhearted, intelligent..many times misunderstood as Angel
Has two younger brothers
And a two idiot best friends Kim taehyung and  choi seungcheol..
Loves to read and sing...tho never sings infront of anyone...
Loved by all of his family and friends...
Nicknames: Han, Hannie, jeonghannie, Angel, AngelHan...


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