Chapter 5

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?? Pov

I walked inside the restaurant and saw jeonghan sitting on the table at corner near window...i made my way towards him and saw him smiling like an idiot...i sat infront of him taking him out of his daze and he looked at me..."where were you? You know i've been waiting for you now for a long time"..."Ahan i don't think you were waiting for me cause you were so lost in your thoughts of something or should i say someone".....hearing this he blushed slightly which made me chuckle he really is just a cute boy hidden under the cold aura of CEO....

"Leave that right now i have to talk something really important to you"....he said making me go all serious from being's really rare that he calls me for some serious conversation usually he calls me only to have some fun together when he is stressed out..."okay okay but promise me you will tell me what made you smile like that or should i say who"....he scratched his nape and nodded his head...

"So today when i was walking out of my office to go home i heard some voices from store room...i went there to see who it was and i saw someone talking to one of my stafs..they were talking about k-killing taehyung"...he said making me freeze on my spot...he had a worried look on his see i, him taehyung and seungcheol are childhood best friends including someone else too but we don't talk about him anymore...because we ain't friends with him..."but who could even think about something like that?"...i questioned him worried for our best friend..."i think it's Min-jun".... he says making me frown..."Min-jun but ain't he like hidden or something you know...after the day we broke our friendship we never really saw him so why would he plan something like this and about taehyung?"...

I questioned genuinely confuse..."Jae-wook i think you forgot...tae loves kook while min-jun also liked kook but kook choosed tae over min-jun that made him furious and tried to rape jungkook when tae beated the shit of him infornt of whole uni that is a very valid reason why would he plan something like this for tae"...he says making me wide my eyesin realization...."we have to keep tae safe"... he says sighing loudly i nodded getting agreed...

"you told him about this".... i asked but he shaked his head in denial..."that's good no one should know...don't worry i will try to take our min-jun's hideout information as soon as possible"....i said reassuring Han...he nodded his head..."oh i wanted to tell you something more".... i nodded my head at that...."i'm getting married"..."what with whom?"..."aish speak slowly...umm it's taehyung brother Joshua who lived in America till now"....when these words left Han's mouth i got stunned on my no no no...this can't happened...he can't get married to anyone will bring chaos...this marriage will bring chaos....

Pov ends

"Yahh Jae-wook-ahh where are you lost"....jeonghan says taking jae-wook out of his daze...."ah no where...Han i'll go now i have to reach somewhere...and don't worry i will soon find Min-jun's hideout"...saying this jae-wook stands up from his place and walks out after giving Han a shoulder hug...

Jeonghan looks at the way jae left with confusion all over his face...'what happened to him just a few minutes before he was all excited to know why i was smiling now he is acting weird'... jeonghan thinks as he also walks out making his way to his home...

Seoul National University
9:00 am

Jae-wook comes out of his thoughts when he realizes that his Boss has cut off the line...he rubs his temple getting frustrated...he can't betray his friend and at same time he just can't show his back to the only person who gave him a new life....
He is confused so much...he don't know what to do....But after sometime of thinking he decides who is he going to back up...he remembers his oath..he can never back up from that...he will fulfil his promise he made to his Boss..he sure will....


If you remember chapter 3 than you surely know that jeonghan invited someone to restaurant and after chapter 4 you know who Jae-Wook think that clears your confusion about what jeonghan had heard in chapter 2....

At this point i don't even know what i'm talking about...hehehehe🤧😅😅

 Lee Jae-Wook▫️25 years old▫️Cold on outside but really soft inside▫️Is very intelligent and conscious▫️ Friends: Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol, Kim Taehyung form childhood

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Lee Jae-Wook
▫️25 years old
▫️Cold on outside but really soft inside
▫️Is very intelligent and conscious
▫️ Friends: Yoon Jeonghan, Choi Seungcheol, Kim Taehyung form childhood...and Hwang Minhyun
▫️Is the right hand of Minhyun and mostly leads the gang "Dark Knights"
▫️ Secretly loves Minhyun but doesn't confesses knowing that he already loves someone else..
▫️Can do anything for Minhyun
▫️Had a rough childhood...

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