Chapter 9

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I walked down the sidewalk enjoying the blowing wind, today is a good weather, it's cold just like my heart, it's cold and numb...I saw them kissing under the moonlight with soft music in background just like I imagined us...why is it that it's him and not me? Why does he loves him and not me? Just like the past life...Why am I the one always alone? It's hard hard to live without the one you've loved your whole life, not only this but old one too....

It's funny that I'm complaining when I'm the one who never showed myself to him...I was afraid afraid that he might remember me and everything will go downhill...but at same time I'm expecting his love without seeing me..when I know he's the only one who'll be in his heart no matter what life is it...

My thoughts came to halt when I heard my phone ringing..."Who's calling me at this hour?"...I groaned...I pulled out my phone from my jeans pocket and saw an unknown number...I thought for a while whether to pick up or not..but then I picked it up eventually...

Pov ends

"Who's this?"...he asked as usual in his cold voice..but he didn't expect to hear His voice..."Forgot me this quickly?"..."Jiyoung"...he said feeling rage building inside him...."Awee uri Minhyunie remembers me hah"...he heard other chuckling..."who can forget a monster like you"..."Ouch it hurts to see my baby brother calling me like that"..."Who's your brother bastard? I broke that relationship with you years ago"...."forget it I didn't called you to discuss our relationship. Well as you know I'm alive, I want to have a nice talk with you..and it especially includes my money"...."Those money were mine and I don't want to have any type of talk with you"...Minhyun says as he was about to cut off the call..."Not even for the sake of that boy...I have his address, I know where he works and I absolutely know where his wedding is going to take place"....after hearing him he felt his blood boiling from anger..."I'll kill you if you ever laid a single finger on him"..."I won't I promise.. that's until you return me my money"..."I don't have your fucking money...someone took 'em"..."I don't fucking care return me my money and he's safe or else...and you know I don't give empty threats"...saying this Jiyoung cutt offs the call...and Minhyun punches the wall beside him in rage...

He again hears his phone ringing and this time it's his most loyal person Jae-Wook...."He boss where are you?"..."I'm coming home I want to have an important talk to you and tighten the security around Joshua...keep your eyes at him no one should dare to hurt him okay?"...."Yes boss"...

"I won't let you hurt him Jiyoung I won't"

"But boss how will we get his money back you know those money are with Him"...Jae-Wook says getting frustrated..."I know but we have to do something before he does something to Joshua"...."Wait a minute I have a plan"..."what?".. Jae-Wook asks ready to execute any order thrown at him..."Why don't we try to communicate with him and ask his reason for stealing our money? We still don't know why did that tho?"...Minhyun says with a proud smile on his face... sometimes Jae-Wook seriously thinks that how can this person runs a whole gang on his own when he says this much illogical things..."You think he will cooperate with us and have a "so called" talk with us?"... Jae-Wook says gesturing his hands on words he emphasized...

"You he works alone and more importantly he seems to hold a grudge against you that's why he killed Min-jun, stole your money, And killed James with his whole fucking gang and that too alone"...Jae-Wook says taking a deep breath afterwards...."I know, I. Know but I don't have any other option he's the only one who can deal with this situation, because firstly he has my money, secondly he's really capable of killing Jiyoung and this way we will know his reason why he wants to kill me or holds a grudge against me"...."ugh"...Jae-Wook says as he groans..this man really doesn't want his life, he really doesn't understand that how much he means to him...after all these years of serving him he started to have feelings for him, these feelings are the biggest reason why he is ready to betray his old friend for him...and this man sitting infront of him doesn't understands a you must be thinking why doesn't he confesses but as you already know that Minhyun already loves someone else he can't help but hide his feelings....

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