Chapter 11

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Hong Mansion...

Joshua opened his eyes when cold breeze of winter morning hitted his face. He was now looking out of his window, smiling to himself. The smell of Snowdrops in his garden filled his nostrils. Today was the happiest day of his life.
Today was his Wedding with one and only YOON JEONGHAN. He smiles widely, eyes turning into crescents when he sees everyone running from here to there. "Hyung!" He looks back and sees Minghao standing in door way looking at him with a small smile on his face. "You ready? We have to go to the parlor"...Minghao comes closer and hugs him. "I'm so much happy for you hyung. I will miss you."...Joshua smiles at him. His eyes brimming with tears. "Awee my baby I will too miss you. Don't worry I will come daily to meet you okay?"..."yes hyung"...Minghao smiles widely and hugs him again. soon they both left for parlor. It was Minghao's parlor which he opened recently. Man always wanted to be a designer. His parlor is different from others. He designs clothes too. You can say it is his studio his second home.
(You'll know his first home😉. because this one ain't his first for sure)

They both reached the studio and went inside. Joshua was shocked to see the vast studio. It was pretty in it's own way. The environment was radiating Xu Minghao. MingHao made Joshua sat on chair, wearing his gloves he signals his staff and they started doing their work on him...

Jeonghan's apartment...

Jeonghan kept on pacing back and forth. He was waiting for his friends. Seungcheol was nowhere to be seen and jae-wook was too guilty and embarrassed to come. Tho Jeonghan invited him but he still chose to not come. He couldn't take the guilt of how he betrayed his best friend. "Finally you're here. You know I've waiting for you like crazy" Jeonghan says when he sees Seungcheol and Jihoon entering his room. Jun was sitting on couch eating chips, watching Jeonghan being panic. "Cheol what if shua says no when preist asks him about being my husband? What if someone objects our marriage? What would happen when he won't find me handsome and good enough for him?". Jeonghan kept on rumbling, making Jun and Jihoon laugh who also now was eating chips with former, watching Jeonghan. "Aish Hann don't worry too much. Nothing like this would happen okay. Calm down hmm? Now let's go we have to get ready" Seungcheol says trying his best to make his best friend calm down.

At Wedding Venue...

"YAHHH Kim Taehyung where the Fuck are you?" Jin screams loudly. "Aish hyung don't scream I'm here" Taehyung says coming near. "You forgot it's your wedding as well." Jin says twisting Taehyung's ear in his hands.. "ow ow ow hyung I know. Please leave my ear. I beg you please." Taehyung shows his puppy eyes and Jin finally let goes off him. "I'm just saying you to rest a bit you also have to get ready. If you kept on working you will be damn exhausted in your wedding." Jin says worry laced in his voice. "Ayy Jin hyung I know you're worried. And I appreciate it. But I'm confused. Why are you here with me when you should be with Jeonghan isn't he your nephew?".. Taehyung says confused. "Idiot I'm not here for you. I'm here for wedding preparations. And yes Jeonghan is my nephew and I've already sent Mingyu there." Jin says and again smacks Taehyung, pushing him towards car. Taehyung left from there soon.

Jin was checking food when he bumped into someone. "He i'm Sorry you alright?" He asks to the Waiter whom he bumped into. "I'm alright thank you sir." Waiter says and was about to go when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Umm from which team are you? I don't think I saw you on the list of waiters?" Jin says looking in his eyes and waiter avoids his eyes contact. "You're Right I'm not on list. I am a substitute one of our man suddenly got stroke so I had to came instead of him".. he says convincing Jin. "Oh alright enjoy, Work hard okay?" Waiter nods and both went to their own ways..

Jin didn't saw how waiter sighed in relief.

min-Hyun's Apartment...

"You sure about this?" Jae-wook asks looking at His boss. "Yeah moreover he invited us." Min-Hyun says fixing his collar. Looking towards Jae-Wook through mirror. "Don't worry JaeWook-Ahhh I'm gonna be alright. It's all my fault anyway. I knew he was going to get married still I kept on thinking about him and loving him. I should've let go off my feelings for him sooner but it's just so hard to do so Jaewook-Ahh. so Hard." Minhyun says, tears now rolling down his face. He wasn't wrong at all for crying. The Man he's been loving for years is going to be someone else's. And he can't do anything about it. He felt like he was useless like his brother says. Can't even get a Man he loved dearly.

Somewhere in Seoul...

"You found every information?" A man was sitting on his chair inside his office room, behind a Big glass wood table. "Yes GD I got everything. Also I'm able to enter inside. No one suspected anything." Person says making Jiyoung smile. "Good never let your guard down." He says and ends the call...

Other side of caller id..

"You sure no one suspected you?" Man turns around shocked. He didn't expected someone to know about him. "Who are you?" He asks in trembling voice. He couldn't help the stutter in it. "Umm I don't wanna tell you but as these  are your last words ever I'll tell you. I'm MANJIRO" Manjiro says, a deadly smirk playing on his lips.


Just wanted to confirm
You got know who Manjiro is right?
I mean you ain't confused about him right?

And their wedding is at 10am
Morning wedding of Winter Ooo~
I love winter

Random question
What is your favorite season?

I like winter and Autumn.

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