Chapter 3

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Jeonghan walked out of his office hastily and sat in his car..he started his car and drive home at full speed..his heart was thumping loudly against his chest...He still could feel shiver running down his spine after hearing the conversation at the store room...He reached his home and parked the car in garage...he ran towards his room and entered the bathroom, washing his face he calmed himself down...he don't have enough time he has to do something...

(If you're confuse please read the last paragraph of chapter one)

He picked up his phone and called a number...after some rings the person picked up the call..."Meet me at the xxxxx restaurant at 9...i want you there and remember to bring your gun with you okay?"... jeonghan didn't listened to other person and quickly cut the call...he again washed his face and assured himself that everything is going to be okay...after calming down fully he remembered something...'Ahh fuck i had to go Tae's house...aish eomma's gonna kill me'.... he brushed his hair back frustratingly and got ready...

This afternoon his mother called him and told him.the real reason they are going to Mr Hong's house...he was a bit nervous about it...After breaking up with his last girlfriend two years ago he never got into a relationship and moreover he doesn't know what type of person this Joshua Hong is...he has heard about him alot by Tae and specially his mother that how much a gentleman he is but still he doesn't know what to exactly think about it all...

6:00 pm Seoul,
Mr Hong house...

He parked his car and walked out getting greeted by butlers on his way inside...He entered and greeted everyone Cheerfully but what he saw next or more like someone he got stunned on his spot...

Present time....

Joshua and Jeonghan were glued to their places and staring at each other until they heard someone clearing their throat...he looked away embarrassingly...jeonghan scratched his neck and walked forward reaching everyone...Tae stand up and hugged him tightly same goes with seungcheol...

"Why are you this late didn't i told you to reach here at 5:30 huh?"...Mrs Yoon scolded him earning a laugh from others..."i got stuck in some work..sorry eomma"... Jeonghan answered awkwardly giving puppy eyes to his mother...

Hearing his voice Joshua didn't know but he felt a different feeling inside his chest and was like his eyes abd ears got excited to hear and see such a cute sight and sweet voice meanwhile his heart whined from lack of attention...he didn't know what was was so fast but so beautiful at same time....

Seoul, district ABC
XXXXX Restaurant, 9:00 pm

Jeonghan  got out of his car and walked inside the restaurant...he heard a bell 'ting ting' sound as he walked inside...the restaurant was small but gave homely vibes..with vintage wallpapers all over the wall and small plants setted on every table he walked towards a corner table and sat himself was located and the end of hall right beside a big glass window, giving the aesthetic view of night sky...jeonghan rubbed his hand s on his black sweat pants..he was tensed but still relaxed at same time...

While waiting for the person his mind wondered to the today's event at Mr Hong's house or should i say his in-laws house...yes you heard right both jihan said yes to the marriage proposal...he remembered those beautiful honey coloured eyes...the way they looked at him...he still gets that warm feeling inside his chest...He remembers the sweet sugary voice...the gentle expressions..these all memories of one specific boy is making his heart crazy...and waking up the zoo of butterflies in his stomach...

He got cut off from his daze when he felt someone sitting infront of him...looking at the person he sighed..."You're finally here...i was waiting for you for a long time you know"...."Aha i don't think you were waiting for me...cause you were busy thinking about something or should i say someone ,otherwise why would you smile like that to yourself".... the person said chuckling and jeonghan scratched his nape being flustered..."leave that right now i've called you here for a really important listen clearly okay"...."okay okay but you have to tell me the reason behind your cute smile...i don't get see it often so i wanna know what made you smile like that or should i say who"....

Jeonghan chuckled and nodded his head and started explaining him that why had he called him here...



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