Chapter 13

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Joshua and Jeonghan reached Jeonghan's apartment, well now their apartment. Jeonghan was so excited for the night, he has been on cloud nine since morning, finally today Joshua was his and will be his forever. They both got off the car and walked inside. Jeonghan opening doors for Joshua like a gentleman. Joshua smiles at his sweet gestures. From the surface Joshua might look all easy and comfortable, but from inside he was so much nervous. Joshua hasn't been in this type of situation before. He hasn't been in a relationship for  a long time now and he didn't had any kind of intimacy with his last and only boyfriend.

They both stand awkwardly in the living room of apartment. "So you wanna change your dress. I'm sure you must be tired and feeling uncomfortable in that." Jeonghan says and comes near him. Joshua smiles and nods his head. "Yeah a little bit." He says squinting his index finger and thumb together. "Haha, then you should change love." Joshua blushes hard at the nickname. "Let me show you Our room." Jeonghan puts emphasis on word Our making Joshua beetroot red. "Hannie." Joshua calls out. "Yes sweetheart." He replies.
"Thank you soo much for being in my life." Joshua hugs him tightly, Eyes teary. Jeonghan hugs him back. "I'm blessed to have you Joshuji. You've made my life more beautiful and nice." Joshua backs off a little hands still around Jeonghan's neck.

Jeonghan rests his hands comfortably around Joshua's waist. "You know I wanna do something so bad." Jeonghan whispers, tho there was no one who could hear him except them. "What?" Joshua asks, also whispering. Jeonghan leans in, Lips just an inch apart from Joshua's. "May I?" He asks, voice deep and low, Nose brushing against Joshua's. "Yes."
Joshua whispers in return. And Jeonghan wastes no time and kisses him.

Jeonghan's Pov...

His lips were soft, almost silken, pillowy against his own, I could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath my nose, fingers carding through my hairs as we breathed each other.
We break the kiss and I stare at him, his eyes were filled with sparkles and I wanted nothing but to see them shine like that. "You know you're so much beautiful." I whisper, and I felt him witter under my palms. His body heating up, and turning the color of sheets spreaded on our bed inside. "I wanna make this night special for us, would you let me?" I ask and he nods his head. Eyes closing at the feeling of my breath. I wanted nothing but to devour him. He felt so dreamy under my touch. I wanna ruin him, ruin him in a way I could only see him..

"I love you Joshua, more than you could imagine. You'll always be mine, No matter which life."

I pick him up, and he stares at my face, he joins our foreheads together, and crases my face as he whispers, "I only ever wanna be yours Jeonghan and no one else's, whether in this life or other." I felt my insides twisting at that. I wanna keep him safe. And I will.

"And I too will be yours my love, always and forever." I whisper as I lay him down on our bed. Hovering over him I kiss him again.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good. I promise."

Jeonghan's Pov ends....

Joshua whimpers at that. The feeling of Jeonghan's lips on his own, his hands on his body, made him feel thousands of emotions at once. He witters at Every single action Jeonghan does.
Jeonghan kisses down Joshua's jaw to his neck, leaving marks all along. His every kiss gets more sloppier making Joshua melt in his touch. Jeonghan discards Joshua's shirt off him alongside his own. Joshua looks at him with hooded eyes. Asking him permission to touch him. Jeonghan nods his head and Joshua wastes no time in sliding his hands all over Jeonghan's body. His touch making Jeonghan groan.

Jeonghan comes down, Kissing Joshua on his chest. Leaving different hickeys, some dark, some light. Joshua whimpering at every single touch. Jeonghan sets his tongue on Joshua's nub. Sucking it hardly, making Joshua moan louder. He plays with other one, wanting his husband to feel pleasure. "Ahhhh, Hanniee."
Hearing Joshua moan his name, under him made him want to Fuck him hard and more only. After abusing joshua's nipples for a while Jeonghan goes down his stomach.

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