Chapter 4

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Seoul, District 9
12:00 am

A man in his mid 20's was walking on the side street his footsteps were the only thing that could be heard in the silent street...he walked and turned into an alleyway and there stood another person..probably waiting for him...

The Man's face was hidden by his grey hoodie wore inside a black jacket with black ripped jeans...that's why the person waiting for him couldn't ses his face....he was giving the aura of some kind of criminal but isn't that what he is....

"So, let's talk about work now shall we Lee?"
The man spoke startling the person whose name goes by Lee...he slowly nodded his head gaining his posture back...only if he knew what was coming for him...

"Now tell me honestly hmm? Where is my Money?"...."i-i don't know...i swear, i just got to know that chief of Korea's special crime unit got that but i don't know where he hid them".... Lee spoke stuttering scared for his life...."Hmm now next question where his Minjun hiding?"... he again asked but this time with more darkness his voice...."i-i don't know where he is"...Lee said making the person infront of him chuckle..."still persistent to stay loyal to him huh? I'm asking again tell me where he is and i'll let you live a few more you've to die either way so why not take this opportunity to spend some time with your family huh?"..... He asks again..."i really don't know where he is...i swear"...Lee says shaking from fear...

'Bang Bang Bang Bang'

A loud gun shot was all could be heard in abyss of dark night...the man walked out of the alley making his way to his house...he walking when he heard a different set of footsteps following him...."you know stalking someone in the solace and top of that at midnight is not good for you"....said the man..."Boss you know i'm not stalking you i'm j-"..."yeah i'm just protecting you"...he got cut off from the man who was his supposed to be Boss....

"I'm old enough to protect myself and you know that"....he said to his bodyguard and took a turn towards the apartment complex making his way to the elevator...he pressed the button and elevator made a 'ding' sound....they both got inside and he leaned his back on the wall...."you're tired"..."no i'm not"...he says  making his bodyguard shut up...."you did what i asked for?".... After a minute of silence he asked his bodyguard...."yes boss he was safe no one approached him"..."good keep an eye on him..i don't want a single scratch on him"..."yes boss but there is a problem"..."what?"...he asks coldly..."boss he is getting married"...he said almost in a whisper afraid of his boss's reaction...but he was surprised when his boss didn't made a sound...

The elevator door opened and they walked out he reached to his apartment and turned towards his bodyguard..."go home i want to be alone tonight"...he says walking inside his apartment and shuts the door on his (bodyguard) face.....He sighs and makes his way towards the bar section in his apartment....he took out a bottle of whiskey and opened the lid without wasting his time to pour in glass he attaches his lips to the lid  and gulps a good amount...he plans to drain himself in whiskey tonight....

He kept on drinking, bottles after bottles but nothing seems to suppress the pain he was feeling inside his aches so bad...without him knowing his tears starts to pour down his face....he cries and cries but there is no one to tell him that everything is going to be alright....that he ain't alone....

After hours of crying and getting wasted in alcohol he felt his eyes getting heavy and he sleeps with his heart aching....

Jeonghan's pov

I walked inside my office room...and as usually i saw this idiot best friend of mine sitting there already...'how does he even mange to get up so early'.... i questioned myself and walked towards him greeting him in process..."good morning"..."good morning how was your night?".....
Tae asked and my mind drifted to the dream i got last night...

I was sitting on a big rock beside a small stream as water slides down the stream reaching the lake with flowers at they bay...i was wearing different type of clothes...those we wear in that historical dramas...seems like i was waiting for i was throwing the rocks in the lake i felt someone's hands on my eyes....i smiled and hold the person's hands and brought him infront of me...

"baby how many times i have to tell you no matter how much you try to hide from me or close my eyes i still will find're imprinted in my heart, my soul there's no way i can't tell that it's not you"... jeonghan says making the person pout but smile at same time...."it's not fair"...Joshua says making his pout more bigger which urged jeonghan to squeeze him and kiss him right there which he did...he squeezed Joshua's cheeks and was about to kiss his lips when-

"Ring ring"....his alarm went off....

Pov ends

Jeonghan chuckles to himself after remembering how he kept on cursing his alarm clock until he got ready...tae looked at him confused and waves his hand infront of his face taking jeonghan out of his daze..."what happened you kind of look weird smiling all to yourself"....Tae said making a disgusting face which made jeonghan roll his eyes he replies with a nothing and they both started to do their work....yeah jeonghan lied to taehyung now he can't tell him that he saw his brother in his dream and he wanted to kiss him now can he?...

Seoul national university
9:00 am...

Joshua walked inside his university making his to the hallway...he walked pass bunch of groups who were doing good knows know he ain't a person to care about what people do or talk about he likes to be in his own small world which got a big interference by someone...because from the time he saw jeonghan he just couldn't get out him from his mind...he kept on thinking about him...he couldn't even managed to finish his book he was reading yesterday...can you imagine...what taht person even did to make joshua feel like that....honestly he did nothing and thats what made Joshua to feel different kinds of feelings...

You know many people tries to get close to their fiancé eventhough they don't know each other invading other's privacy but jeonghan wasn't like that he didn't disturbed Joshua at all instead he just chose to look at him or should i say stare at him from a far....and if he tells honestly he didn't felt weird being stared at by jeonghan but instead he felt warm and happy...He shakes his head and walks inside his class..he should stop thinking about jeonghan or else his mind is going to explode but this is the main problem itself...the more he tries to forget him the more he thinks about him...

His thoughts got cut off by teacher walking inside the class so he thought to put jeonghan aside for a while and focused on his lecture

But what he didn't know was someone was keeping an eye on him all this while....

"Where is he?"...."boss he is in his class"..."keep an eye on him make sure he is safe"....he says voice raspy and deep...but it still held a softness whenever he talks about certain boy whose goes by Joshua Hong....
"Boss you alright...your voice seem tried"... he asks his boss worried for him..."i'm alright jae-wook you don't have to worry just make sure of his safety".... he says and cut's the call...he still didn't forgot the last night events...when he woke up he was laid on the floor with alcohol bottles on his all sides...he rubbed his temple and continued with his work...'don't worry're mine no one in the world can steal you form me no one'....he thinks and started to do his work....


Hey guys that's all for today...hope so you like it...
Can anyone guess who this person is?
Why did jeonghan dreamt them in historical clothes?
Is Joshua falling for jeonghan?

And also make sure to check my second book "Lucifer and his Vampire Mate"'s a taekook story i'll upload it's new part today...thanks again for your support...

Make sure to comment and ya all..

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