Chapter 2

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Seoul, 5:00 pm

'Ring ring'....the ringing of phone resonated in dark silent room...the only light which illuminated the room was The setting sun's....A man was sitting on the one seater sofa...looking outside the window...he was waiting patiently for the other person to pick the call...after sometime he heard a soft "Hello?"... he chuckled in-in-audibly...."who's this?".... He heard again but didn't answered..."hello? Is anyone there?"... the person on other side of line asked again but he still didn't answered, after sometime he quietly declined the call...

His lips curved upwards and he opens his phone gallery looking at picture of the person he adores the most..."just wait a little more...soon you will be mine baby"....

soon you will be mine baby"

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The picture...

At the same time

Joshua's pov

I walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower...we reached home an hour ago and mom told us to change i came in my room and finished my work and thought to take a bath because i still had time left before our guests came...i was about to go outside from my room when i heard my phone ringing...i walked towards my small coffee table which was kept between my small sofa's...i saw an unknown number...

'Should i pick it up or not'.... i questioned myself but after sometime i picked up the phone..."Hello"
I called out but i didn't heard anything..."who's this?"...i asked again still there was no answer..."hello? Is anyone there?"....i thought to try again but still no one answered..after sometime the line went off..

'Huh weird'

"Hyung come let's go downstairs guests have arrived".... i heard Hao speaking outside of the room..i placed my phone back on the table and went outside...

We reached down and saw plenty of people sitting on the couches...there was a middle aged looking couple...maybe they are my parents friends...than i saw a couple sitting beside the older couple they were looking quite young...than i saw two  boys sitting beside Tae...than at another couch was sitting three boys more from which i remember one...and than there was seungcheol hyung taehyung hyung's one of best friend sitting with his boyfriend...after seeing that person hao ran leaving me alone and latched himself to the person...wait isn't it Junhui Hao's crush and best friend...yeah he is...

I reached down and greeted everyone..they smiled happily upon seeing me and greeted me with utmost excitement it was like i was the star of night..i don't know why but it is making me feel warm inside...

I shook hands with everyone and learnt their names..the older couple were Mr and Mrs Yoon, the young couple beside them were Jun's czns...Kim Namjoon and Kim SeokJin...than two of the boys sitting with taehyung hyung was Jungkook youngest son of Uncle Yoon..yes he told me to call him uncle and other one was Jun whom i already know he also is their 2nd eldest son...i kind of know jungkook cause he is tae's boyfriend but we never really met or talked to each other...after seeing him and talking to him i think my brother made a good choice...the other three were Seokmin, Soonyoung also known as Hoshi and Mingyu...i already know mingyu who is also the son of Mr namjoon and seokjin..really this whole family is visual family and there was seungcheol hyung and his boyfriend Jihoon hyung...

I also got to know that seokmin and hoshi are was fun talking to them they all are so cute and great at personalities...

End of pov

Loud laughing sounds can be heard at every corner of Mansion...everyone was enjoying themselves but still the most important person was yet to come...

Suddenly the elder became serious making all the youngsters curious and what they said next made everyone of single soul sitting there shock...

"So guys the main reason we gathered here today is that i want your son Jisoo's hand for my Son jeonghan...only if he preasure"....Mr Yoon said shocking everyone most of all Joshua..he was sitting there frozen on his spot..he didn't know what to say...Tae had his mouth hunged open...and same goes to everyone else too..."i know this is soon and kind of shocking but i really i had this wish in my heart...we already arranged Tae's and jungkook's marriage so why not Joshua's and jeonghan's all know him..and i assure you he really is going to take care of your son...i promise"... Mrs Yoon said to Mrs Hong and she nodded her head in agreement..of course Everyone knows Yoon JeongHan...he can be lazy but man is really responsible...

Joshua didn't know what to say by looking at his parents face he knew that they were happy...he looked towards tae abd saw him smiling widely at him...."i don't have any problem..jeonghan is a good young man i trust him but it all depends upon joshua...if he is ready than we aren't against it"... mr hong said...and now everyone was looking at Joshua for an answer...the thing is he didn't met jeonghan before but he had heard about him from his family, friends, brothers, news....the young Man was all over the news about being the youngest CEO and the youngest to ever get Business man of the year award in straight 3 rows....He was Man of great morals and personality...

"I-I-y-"... Joshua was about to say something when he got cut off by a loud greeting..."Good evening Everyone sorry i got late"... jeonghan greeted entering the mansion and his eyes met with two feline honey brown eyes and he swears he never have ever saw any beautiful eyes more than this...he got stunned..

Joshua looked at the greeting male and he got frozen to his spot..he.swears he had never seen this much handsome but at same time pretty person ever was like An angel came to earth himself...

Both the males were glued to their spots staring intensely at each other...Their hearts were thumping against their chests so much fast and loud that everyone present in room can hear  them...


Who is this person who called Joshua?
What would be Jihan's answers?
What did jeonghan hear before?

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