Chapter 10

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"Hello is this Manjiro speaking?"...Jae-Wook asks as he holds phone close to his ear, He highly doubted that this plan is going to work,but for the man he loves he had to do it, he kept on waiting, as he was hearing some shuffling from other side, when someone answered him...."Hi!"...he found the voice oddly familiar but he choose to ignore it, 'Maybe it was my hallucination'...he convinced himself with that...they talked on phone for almost half an hour, throughout the call Jae-wook badly wanted to smack the other person, Whoever this Manjiro is, he really is A cocky person with some shit attitude....

He walks back to min-Hyun's office and tells him about what they talked and Min-Hyun sighed in content when he got to know that, that person is ready to meet them, Now you must be thinking how they got his phone number, well he left it at the place where their money should be, which apparently he stole...after discussing security measures they went to their own works, Jae-Wook also hated this, they were all of this and for what, for a cocky person to help 'em?...Gosh it sounds embarrassing....

Same time on other side of phone~

"finally, I'll make you regret your every single move Hwang Min-Hyun, that you won't be able to keep your eyes on him anymore"....A man says as he swirls in his leather chair, swinging his phone in his hand, he smirks...

Time skip~
Meeting time, 5:00pm
XXXXX Street, Gangnam

Minhyun sighs as he sits on his chair waiting for Manjiro, they've been waiting for the Man for almost 2 hours now and he is nowhere to be seen, At this point he knew jae-wook is going to brust, but before he could say anything they heard Heavy bike's engine's voice, He anxiously stood up and waited for the man to come inside...

Jae-wook immediately stood up and went beside Minhyun, to protect him Incase the man tried to did something funny, They all waited, and then they heard footsteps, Jae-Wook had his head down, he looked up when he felt like the person was in the sight, And he felt himself getting frozen....He didn't expected this person to be Manjiro, didn't at all....His sweat started to drop down his head, He wanted to got away from here because he knew he didn't had enough courage to face the man Infront of him....

"My my, What a view"...Manjiro said as he looks at Jae-Wook, jae-wook did nothing but ignored him, avoiding the eye contact..."You're Manjiro?"...."Why? you're shocked?... didn't expected me right?...Well you know I have this ability to leave people stunned, Wether it is because of my beauty or you can say identity"...He smirks and sits down at center chair, Placing his feet on Table...

Minhyun doesn't know why but he felt sweat trickling down his face, he was nervous to see the person In front of him...he felt like he got caught red handed while doing the crime, and the smirk on the Manjiro's face didn't helped at all..."Oh why are you all standing, sit down it's your anyways"..he says unusually clam then a person should be...."I see you quite putted the effort in hiding your people"...Now Minhyun felt more scared, how in the world he even got to know that his men were hiding in this place....He sits down infront of nervously and starts the conversation....

"I-I need your help"....he hears him chuckling, "So your brother finally threatened you to return his money right",he says more than asking, Minhyun was shocked, how did he knew? But then again he was Manjiro, A man who can kill a whole gang on his own, He walks in shadows and executes everyone at the speed of lighting, it was impossible for him to not know. "As you already know, so give my money back and we'd be done"....

Manjiro chuckles, "You really think I'll give you the money just like that, I didn't steal them just to give back"...he laughs hard....

Joshua sighs as he puts his phone down he'd been calling Jeonghan for an over an hour now and man is not picking up, his phone is turned off, joshua is getting worried now, tomorrow is their wedding and Jeonghan is no where to be found, he is scared that what if something happened to him? His head is filling with different bad thoughts when he hears his phone ringing, seeing the caller id he sighs in relief, and immediately picks up the call.

"Where are you? You know I've been so much worried for you, you weren't picking up my calls and your phone was off I thought something bad happened to you, you shouldn't scare me like that", Joshua says without taking a single breath and Jeonghan just chuckles at other side...

"sorry baby was busy in a meeting, had to turn off the phone" -jeonghan

"don't ever scare me like that, tell me before going to meeting so I'd know you're safe" -joshua

"awe love I promise, from now on I will tell you. So you wanted to say something?" -jeonghan

"no just had an uneasy feeling, so I wanted to hear your voice, tell me you're alright? How was your meeting" -joshua

"oh it was perfect, gone exactly like I wanted"

"Good, okay now I'll hang up I have to go, hao is calling me, he wants to try some new hair style on me for wedding tomorrow" -joshua

"I can't wait to be wedded to you" -jeonghan

Jeonghan says with a hint of mischievousness in his voice making Joshua blush..."Pervert, bye take care"...he chuckles hearing Joshua, he's bet sure Joshua would be blushing right now even though he can't see his face. He loves to see Joshua's cheeks dusted in pink, he promises himself to always keep him happy no matter what...

They cut the call and Joshua goes to meet Minghao...

Jeonghan leans back on his chair as he reminisces his meeting..

"I don't like the deal...what would I get return if we make a pact?", He asks smirking at the person In front of him..."Whatever you want"...."Wow, then that's a good thing, okay I would help you", he says getting up from his chair making his way towards exit but before going he stops behind the man's chair, he bends down and whispers...

"But that doesn't mean I won't kill you, HWANG MINHYUN"....

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