Chapter 8

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Jeonghan's Pov

I am right now waiting outside Joshuji's house...we're going on a date tonight as we promised to go on every weekends before our wedding to get to know each other more and I'll tell I've never been more happiest than I am right now...I am so much happy...he really is a sweet person with prettiest smile I've ever seen...the way he talks the way he smiles , the way his eyes go wide whenever he finds food good, he 's just so beautiful I can never get enough of him, this desire to see him every day kept on getting higher, I want him to be in my arms every single day I wake a days my empty apartment which used to be a symbol of peace fore feels so heavy, it feels incomplete without him...I think I'm in Love...I wish there was better word than love to describe my feelings for Joshua...but I really wanna confess to I thought today is the best day to do so....

Yes today I am going to confess to him he doesn't know about anything I've planned for him...Hope so all of it goes well....I saw him walking out of his House....and I felt my breath hitch...He looked so beautiful so stunning....

Pov ends...

He kept standing there frozen on his spot, that he didn't know Joshua was calling for him....jeonghan got out of his trance when Joshua lightly shooked him..."hey Hannie where are you lost?"..."Ah no where Joshuji..Btw You look so beautiful"
Yes they gave each other nicknames...they thought It would make them more closer and it surely did..they became friends....

Joshua blushed cherry pink and looks down shyly..."you too so much handsome"...he remarks in soft voice and jeonghan swears it was the most softest and sweetest voice he've ever Heard......

he remarks in soft voice and jeonghan swears it was the most softest and sweetest voice he've ever Heard

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(Imagine his hairs blonde)

Joshua was still awestruck seeing Jeonghan...he always wondered how can someone look so handsome but pretty at same...every single day and moreover more Pretty than before....Jeonghan never fails to make him amuse not only by his looks but by his nature and personality too...He really is an Angel...who doesn't belongs to this world....Sometimes Joshua thinks he doesn't deserves Jeonghan but the other man never give him a moment to think like that...

They both left for the place...Joshua was curious as to where they were going but jeonghan didn't told him...he kept on whining but Still jeonghan didn't told...Man it wasn't easy for jeonghan to have a whinny Joshua on his back pestering him with his puppy eyes but still he gather some courage and kept his guard....

They reached and Joshua had his eyes covered...boy didn't had any idea where he was going but there was this giddy feeling in his stomach...he knew something was going to happen but it wasn't a feeling usually people get it was good feeling...he was sure something good was going to happen....

Jeonghan uncovered Joshua eyes and he was Stunned to see the view infront of him...

Jeonghan uncovered Joshua eyes and he was Stunned to see the view infront of him

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"I wanted us to we know your exams just finished and I've also been really busy past few weeks for new projects so I thought that it would be great if we could relax...Umm do you like?"...jeonghan asked nervously he'd been never ever in his life this much nervous he is right now because he knows that later he has to confess and he doesn't want to get rejected even though he knows that Joshua won't reject him....Joshua looked at Jeonghan and Smiled brightly his eyes turning into crescents...."I love's so beautiful..I don't remember the last time I've watched a movie and enjoyed the night under moonlight... It's really so precious Thank you so much Hannie"...the sparkle in his eyes gave Jeonghan away that how much happy and excited he was...Joshua was about to sit and Choose a movie when suddenly soft music started to play...he looked back and saw Jeonghan on his one knee...Joshua knew what that meant and he swears he felt his heart stopped for a second...

He never imagined that jeonghan would confess to him and that too in this much romantic way.... all the time they spent together Joshua got to know that Jeonghan really didn't and the time to date and because of lack of attention his last girlfriend decided to Cheat on him that too was two years ago...So he assumed that Jeonghan wasn't a romantic type of person but he knows that he is good and nice in personality a little bit mischievous okay he admits very much mischievous but still he hasn't met anyone as perfect as Yoon Jeonghan....The name itself holds so much power...

He knew he fell in love at the first sight of Jeonghan but he never knew that Jeonghan would feel same...but seeing him on his one knee with a diamond ring in his hand inside the small purple velvet box with music in bg made him feel like he was living in a dream..this moment was magical...Simple But beautiful.....

Jeonghan cleared his throat and started"I don't know where to start...a few months ago I hadn't really thought about being in this position, heck all my life I haven't really been in this position before, it's all new to me, people used to come and confess to me so I didn't know how to confess to someone, but here I am infront of you...When I first saw you i knew I would fall for you in no time but what I didn't expect was to fall there and than right at that moment....You make so much happy than I've ever been made my full of colors and beautiful....I was used to the silence ringing around me...but now all i want is to hear your voice every fucking second
..I can't help the desire to see your face and holding you in my arms every morning I wake up....You make feel complete...and now I know there is no me without you...There is no Yoon Jeonghan without Joshua Hong...So will you give me this honour and be my better half...I know we're going to get married next week but I really wanted to say this..I wish there was More beautiful word than Love to describe my feeling for you but still remember I Love You So much...and I wanna spend my rest of the Life with you...Will you marry me Joshua Hong".....

"I-I will"...Joshua answers after a min of silence managing to force out the words out of his mouth...he was feeling so Happy...he kneeled down infront of Jeonghan and rests his forehead against his with his hands cupping's the blonde's face

"Yes I wanna Marry you, I love you Yoon Jeonghan..I love you so much....I wanna be with you for forever, Till Death Do us Apart"....

"Till Death Do Us Apart".....Jeonghan repeats his words....and takes Joshua lips on his was soft and sweet kiss filled with love and tounge, not anything just their lips expressing their love for each other

They spent rest of the night cuddling watching movies...teasing each other with small little kisses here and there...

Little did they know someone was keeping his eyes on them....

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