Chapter 7

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9:00 pm
XXXXX district, Busan
Old construction Factory

A man was sitting in room full of darkness, his vision blurry, the only light which can be seen in room was a bulb right above his head hanging on the roof loosely, he grunts when he feels water being splashed on his face, he looks around feeling his vision getting clearer, he opens his eyes fully and sees someone standing infront of him....

"Who are you?"....the person asks to him, upon hearing no answer in return the person signals a tall and puffed Man standing next to him. The Man comes closer to him and punches his face hardly making his nose and lips bleed, He chuckles "what's so funny?"....the person asks annoyingly,"You"....he replies making the person eyes wide on the insult thrown his way, "How dare you make fun of me you asshole"...person says punching his face again more harder... "You think you can go from here safe and sound....than hate to break your fantasy but answer is NO, do you even know who i am? I am Leader of Mafia Gang "Night Diamonds" heard my name It's james i thought that why don't tell you the name of person who's going to kill You"....Saying this he was about to pull trigger when lights went off......

Somewhere in Seoul
At Same time...

"Boss *pant* B-boss"..."what happened to you? It looks like you've run a Marathon"..."Boss James"...."James what happened to James?"...."He has HIM"...."WHAT? Idiot why didn't you tell me before He Doesn't have HIM, HE has them"....Saying this he ran from there with his memebers...."tell choi to prepare the car take every weapon we have with you"..."Boss who.exactly we are going to fight"...."A Monster".....

9:30 pm
XXXXX district, Busan
Old construction Factory

"You know i could've been went lighter on you only if you didn't touched my handsome face, the moment you touched it, i promised my self to kill you as painfully as you deserve it"....He says, walking around the chair, he once was seated on...."Have you ever heard that phrase james, "Never Judge a Book by it's cover", You shouldn't have underestimated me, but it's alright as floolishly naive you are it was expected from you"...."Who exactly are you?"..."Your Death"....he says looking intensely in his eyes, a dark aura surrounding him, the menacing look in his eyes made them shiver......

"Now let's get back to the business, Where did Min-jun had hidden the money?"..."i-i don't know"...upon hearing the answer he punched him in his face,making blood ooze out from his mouth...."look i'm asking again, Where.Did.Min-jun.Had.Hidden.the.Money?"...."His house's basement!...he told everyone that the chief of ROK (Republic of Korea Special Crime Unit) has them, but truth is he had kept the money with himself"..."Thanks, see it wasn't that hard right?"...saying this he started to walk out..."wait! These money aren't even yours, than why are you searching for them"..."haven't you heard that phrase "curiosity kills a cat" you don't have to know everything Darling"...saying this he walks out...Walking out of the factory he smirked and not after a few seconds a Loud Blast could be heard, The Factory blows up scattering it's pieces  everywhere, he smiles looking at that....

"HE has kept his eyes on someone who belongs to me"....he says giving the answer of the question, tho there was no one to hear....

At same time in

Jae-wook walked more like ran towards his boss's office...he entered it after getting the permission..."Boss"...he took a deep breath before continuing..."Min-jun and James are dead"....he says making the person sitting infront of him wide his eyes in surprise,"How" all he asks..."Yesterday when we found out about Min-jun's hideout we planned to kill him and take money at same night...but when we reached there he was already dead, he didn't had any scratches on his skin or any type of bruise, doctors are saying he died from the excessive amount of alcohol in his system, and i just got the news from Steve, he said that James had HIM, he said that when he got to know that he immediately went to busan, but the time he reached their the building was already Burnt and James died their with his men, Boss HE killed a whole Gang alone, and we don't even know HIS real identity, also H-HE"..."he what?"..."h-he got our money which min-jun had"...Jae-wook says getting scared..."Hmm you can go now"...upon hearing this calm response he shivers, because he knows it is Storm after calm....

As Jae-Wook left he clenched his fist but calmed down when he saw the picture on his table...he picked up his phone and dialed a number,he knew the only thing which can calm the raging storm is this person's voice...the line kept ringing for a few seconds until someone picked up the call...Upon hearing the voice, he closed his eyes feeling himself at ease..."hello? Who's it?"...he heard the other person called out...but he kept quite...he had learnt to love him in silence, the sparkle he saw in his eyes for that other Man whom he soon going to marry was totally different, it was a spark of Love, Admiration, trust, faith....he felt tears breaming at the corner of his eyes, knowing that he can't have him, if he wants he can have him by force or by kidnapping him but he doesn't want that he wants Him to him as he is, he wants him to come to him willingly, but he knows that's not possible because he loves someone else...he flinched when he heard the line cut offf...he putted his phone down and started to work, he has to find that Person and his money...

Joshua sighs as he puts his phone down, he doesn't know what's happening with him...he kept on getting these calls but whenever he speaks no one replies back, He sighs again and gets up, he has to get ready, after all he is going on a date and that too with one and only Yoon Jeonghan...His love, yes he loves him, tho they didn't spent that much time together but from the day in cafe they did started to go on dates no every weekend....this is last one tho because last week Joshua's finals finished and next week it's their wedding, if you ask Joshua that how is he feeling then there is only one word he will say, He is feeling immense Happiness, which he didn't felt before, All the moments he shares with Jeonghan makes him feel more alive, they crave in his heart and mind like a Stone on Lake....

He walks put of the bathroom after showering and wearing his clothes, he dries his hair from dryer and combes them....he smiles upon seeing himself in the mirror, he let's out a satisfied sigh...He stares at himself in mirror when he heard a Loud horn, Jeonghan is here..he thinks and smiles happily, picking up his phone he walks out....

he thinks and smiles happily, picking up his phone he walks out

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Joshua's look....

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