Joshua Hong

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The broad daylight didn't reached the room. Instead it was the hanging lights above them that lit the two tiered hall-almost like a cake mould.The room was filled with whispers and murmurs that floated above the heads of students and through the roof. Their were indistinct conversations between one friend and another, quite unable to comprehend the word silence, although,when you thought about it, nothing was ever silent in that room.

Their was the constant whizz of the printer; the constant tap of the keyboards; the constant scratch of pen on paper; the constant flick of a book.

Their was a boy sitting in the corner near the window the sun rays were continuously hitting his face making the golden ratio of his skin vivid. His long light brown hair giving a golden touch swayed beautifully because of light breeze coming from window....

If you see him at first glance he could be misunderstood as an angel...well who won't call this gentlemen as angel...he smiles like and angel...he walks like an angel...and his voice...Ahh don't even think about is as soft as rose melodic as birds sweet as honey...

"Joshua Hong"... the said boy turned around hearing his name being called...he saw his best friend walking towards him with not so pleasant mood...."Hey Vernon...what happened your mood seems sour?"....he asked his friend who approached him with a pout on his face....

"Yeah cause it know seungkwan again ditched me"....Vernon says slumping his shoulders down while sitting beside his best friend seeing out of the window near the chairs...."haha...nothing's new tho...why don't you just admit to him that you like him..that way he will stop making you jealous by hanging out with his another friends"...
Joshua says chuckling...he has told his best friend many times to confess his feelings for their another friend whose name goes by seungkwan...but he just doesn't listen...

"It ain't that know how nervous i get while talking to him only how the fuck am i gonna confess?"...."Language boy"... Joshua said sternly making the said boy chuckle...."okay mom...btw you know i was looking for you in whole college...why didn't you told me before coming in library?"....."Well i did told you before coming here...but you were so busy looking at your baby boo that you didn't heard me".... Joshua said making Vernon all flustered....

"Oh right my mom said us to come home early have you seen hao anywhere?"....
Joshua asked as he stood up from his place...closing the book in his hand...he thought to finish it at home...

What can he do the boy likes myths so much....he feels like he lives in those words printed on a piece of paper....for some people those are just meaningless words but for him...these are feelings hidden deep under the shadow of words....

Whenever he reads myth like reincarnation he can't help but feel all of this deep inside his heart as if he too was living a new a second life...

"Ah yeah i saw him in basketball court with jun...when apparently i was looking for you"..."okay cool let's go then it's almost time for the last class of day to start"...."Yupp...les'go"...

Vernon screamed making all the students and teachers in library glare at him...he scratched his neck embarrassingly hiding behind shua who just laughed at him...


Joshua Hong23 years oldIn last year of universitySweet, kind, cute, sensitive a whole angelBut as they say don't judge a book by it's cover he can be devil at anytime he wants🤭Best friend: Vernon chew, seungkwan,Lee ChanBrothers: Xu Minghao, Kim ...

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Joshua Hong
23 years old
In last year of university
Sweet, kind, cute, sensitive a whole angel
But as they say don't judge a book by it's cover he can be devil at anytime he wants🤭
Best friend: Vernon chew, seungkwan,
Lee Chan
Brothers: Xu Minghao, Kim Taehyung
Nicknames: shua, josh, devil, jisoos
Joshuji (someone soon will call him😏😉)

This is Joshua's look in this fanfic but without glasses....

This chapter was supposed to be the introduction of shua...hope so you will like it...
And i won't be changing members surname like tae's and others because their original surname suit them more...

Secondly if you like this please comment or vote...please please share your thoughts...i really am nervous about this one tho...

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