Chapter 14

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It was dark, Joshua felt his head spinning like wheel. His vision felt blurry, and his own brain felt heavy in his skull. The mere thought of opening his eyes felt like a big task he's ever done in his life, he just wanted to rest for a while. But to his dismay a knock startled him. Sign, that it was time to wake up, that sleeping further would only get him in trouble. Eyes still heavy, and head throbbing joshua opens his eyes. He rubs the back of his palm against his eyelids and replies to the earlier knocking.

"I'm awake." His voice was groggy and his throat was hurting. 'was he catching a fever?' he thought. "Miss Sasaki!!" He calls out. "Yes young lord." ...."can you prepare lemon tea rather than usual jasmine one today?"...."yes sure young lord." The fading footsteps told him the absence of older lady. He gets up from his laid out futon and walks towards the bathhouse, just behind his room. He puts off his night robe and gets inside the hot spring. Hot spring im winter always felt nice. The way hot water settled deep in his skin, waves dancing on his fingertips, it made all the pain soothe away.

After and hour or so, Jisoo gets out of hot spring, and makes his way to his closet, looking through his clothes, his eyes catch a beautiful, dark blue yukata, with waves, he smiles at the momento. Taking it out he carefully wraps his body in the soft clothe's confines. He walks out of his room, and sees his breakfast already ready on engwa of his garden. He sits there and enjoys the morning tea, with bimbap and a bowl of hot ramen. "Young lord, Mister Hwang came today. He was looking for you." The old lady fills him in. "I don't wish to see him today. Please inform him that." ...."yes, my lord."

"Miss Sasaki, how many times do i have to tell you that please don't address me as Lord, please call me by my name....Jisoo."  and Old lady smiles at the kind gesture. "That's so kind of you my lord. But I'm afraid I'd like to keep it this way. I want myself to remember my place here in palace." Jisoo sighs. "As you wish." The day went smoothly, performing princely task, taking archery classes, and lessons for rules and regulations. It was afternoon, and it was his break time. Looking here and there Jisoo confirms if there was someone or not. Realizing he was all alone he sighs in relief and makes his way out of castle through his garden.

It was easy, same old maple trees path, jump from fence, and walk straight for 10 minutes, take a left into the forest, and then a right into the bushes, and it would open up a small handmade garden, full of cherry blossoms, and a small lake. Jisoo's lips stretch into a wide smile as he sees long black hairs, with blood red ribbon tied around the pony tail. He slowly sneaks up to the figure. "Boo." ..."Ahhhh, damnit Jisoo you scared me." ..."As usual a foul mouth huh? Hannie?" He complains with a small pout on his plush lips. "Eh? Ah, sorry love. Won't use it again." Jeonghan holds his ears and shows his best ever puppy eyes, which melt jisoo's heart. He widely smiles and hugs the man, finding comfort in the man's arms. He always felt like this, like he is safe, that as long as Jeonghan has his arms wrapped around him, he would be safe and sound. Away from any danger.

The evening also went smoothly, with them spending whole afternoon together, it was always spent beautifully. Back in his room Jisoo felt empty, and hollow. He buries his face in the collar of cloak Jeonghan wrapped around him due to the increasing cold. Jeonghan's scent was there, lingering in his mind and soul, fogging his brain and vision. Soon he fell asleep.

Knock knock knock....
Bang bang bang....

The frantic banging took Jisoo out of his sleep, which he just realized he slept in his afternoon clothes. There was no time for him to bother with it when his maid's panic voice reached his ears. "Master Jisoo, wake up. Wake up, please." Jisoo immediately gets up and reaches the door. Rushing, He opens the door and sees a breathless Miss Sasaki. "What happened? Why are you so panicked?" ...."younger master you have to go." The maid says, making him wide his eyes. "Why? Are we attacked?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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