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When I opened the door I was stopped by a knife hitting the wall only an inch away from my face.

"What the hell Han!" I cursed. "You could have killed me!"

He giggled then pointed his finger at me, "But I didn't."

I rolled my eyes at him while crossing my arms, "If training consist of throwing knives at me then I'm out."

"It's not. I just wanted to see what your face would look like. It was priceless. Remember I'm head of weapons. Which means I'm highly skilled, as you can tell. Now come on we don't have all day."

I walked over to the table he was standing in front of and saw all different kinds of weapons. Until one specific item caught my attention.

"I-I thought you said you weren't gonna teach me how to use a gun?"

"Oh those were for me. I was shooting some rounds earlier while waiting for you." I sighed in relief.

"So what are we gonna start on first?"

"That's up to you. Which one do you want to try first?"

I was scanning all the different kinds of knives and blades that were scattered on the table until one caught my attention.

"Is this a ninja star?"

"A shuriken to be more specific."

I took the blade into my hand and started playing with it. I was so lost in the blade I forgot everything around me. Han snapped his finger in my face.

"Hello, is anyone there?" he said.

"What were you saying?"

"I asked if you wanted to start with that?" he laughed.

"Oh can I?"

"Come this way." I went over to him and saw a couple of practice targets lined up on a wall.

"I'll show you how to aim first, then how to throw."

I nodded my head and thats when the lesson began. After twenty minutes of Han demonstrating how to aim and showing different ways on how I can throw them. It was time for me to show if I've been listening to him or not. He told me to aim for the head. I followed his instructions and threw the blade at my target, hitting right in the bullseye. I was happy I got it and on the first try at that. I clapped my hands and turned to Han.

"Lucky shot, bet you cant do that again" he challenged.

"I bet you I can" I said feeling confident. "One thing you should know about me is that I'm very competitive."

"Okay miss thang. Then let's see what you got" he said smirking.

He walked over to the wall a pressed a green button. When he pressed it a few seconds later the targets started moving side to side and back and forth.

"I want you to hit all three targets but all in different spots. I want one in the head, another in the chest and the last one in the stomach. You think you can do that?"

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"What happened to all that confidence you had just a moment ago?"

I know he was challenging me but it was slowly irritating me. I turned to my targets and watched them move at a fast pace. I took a deep breath in and everything felt like it was in slow motion. I watched as the machine moved in all different directions. Studying them. One by one I threw my blades hitting them in the correct spot. I turned to Han seeing his jaw hang low to the floor.

"You shouldn't have challenged me" I said patting his shoulder.

Han shook his head trying to snap back into reality while I went over the weapons table and saw a bow and arrow.

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