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I woke up moment's later feeling like I had to pee. I stretched my body out.

"You didn't sleep for long" Felix chuckled.

"How long was I asleep for?"

"Hmm," he pretended to think. "Thirty minutes."

"Ugh!" I groaned. "I can't sleep without Chan. Plus, I have to pee." I got up when I noticed the room didn't have a bathroom. "What kind of hospital room doesn't have a bathroom?"

"There's a bathroom down the hall. Want me to take you?"

"No, I think I can manage. You said it's just down the hall?"

"Yeah, just take a left out the room. Keep going straight. The bathrooms should be to your right."

"Thanks, Lix."

"Oh, the guys texted me by the way. They said they arrived at the warehouse."

I tilted my head, "When was this?"

"A couple of minutes before you woke up."

"Alrighty then," I got up. "I'm gonna head to the bathroom now. I'll be right back."

"Can you turn off the lights before you go? My eyes are killing me."

I chuckled while giving him a thumbs up. I turned off the lights before heading towards the bathroom. This is has a been a rough couple of days. Can a girl get a moment to breathe? It's one thing after another. If you think about it, I should be used to it by now.

My heart pounded hard in my chest causing me to place a hand on it. I take a deep breath to call myself down. My thoughts were on full speed causing a headache to slowly form.

Once I made it to the bathroom, I opened one of the stalls to make sure no one's in there. I got in and began to do my business. I heard the door open but didn't think much of it. A knock at the door startles me.

"In here." The person didn't say anything back and went to the stall next to me.

Meanwhile Felix POV:

I was watching the security cameras feeling my eyes burn.

"How does Han do this?" I whined out loud.

I looked over at Jungkook to make sure everything was okay. He's still sleeping of course. I thought back to Y/N, remembering how much she cried over him. Their bond is truly something. I looked back at the camera's and saw someone entering the lady's room. I wanted to think nothing of it but my gut was telling me something different.

'Should I have went with her?' I thought. I shook my head as my foot started to shake. I looked around at the other cameras. Luckily nothing didn't seem out of the ordinary. I ruffled my hair feeling a bit more anxious.

"It's fine Yongbok. Everything is fine" I said to myself.


After I was doing using the rest room I walked over to the sink. I began washing my hands. I felt so tired from lack of sleep. I decided to splash some cold water on my face to wake me up. When I opened my eyes, I found a girl standing behind me with a knife in her hands ready to stab me. I quickly dodged it.

She smiled sinisterly and swung her knife at me again. I dodged it, then grabbed the back of her head slamming it against the wall. I tried making a run for it but she grabbed my ankle making me fall to the floor. I tried to ignore the throwing pain in my stomach when she quickly crawled on top of me. She tried to stab me again until I grabbed her arms.

"Tough but not tough enough" she chuckled.

Felix POV:

"What's taking her so long?" I said to myself.

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