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Chans POV:

I pushed the files off my desk. I'm angry.... No I'm furious. I'm also devastated but mostly, I'm disappointed. It's been three days since they took Y/N away from us. From me. I was starting to lose control each second she's not here.

"Chan we're gonna get her back" Namjoon said.

Everyone was currently in my office trying to figure out where they might have taken her. I looked back at everyone who was just as worried and scared as I was.

"I want her back here as soon as possible! I won't sleep until she's back underneath this roof and in my arms."

"We all feel the same way."

Han groaned, "We're trying our best but Hongjoong seems to have more of the upper hand. I'm trying to hack into everything I can but it keeps blocking me out. I even tried tracking her phone but I can't find a single trace of her. Or where it was last located."

"Keep looking. I don't care how long it takes. I don't care if your eyes start bleeding from looking at a god damn computer all day." I slammed my fist on the table and yelled, "I want her found!"

"We're doing the best we can!" Jungkook yelled. "You're not the only person that lost her. We want her back just as much as you do! Now stop yelling and let's figure out a god damn plan."

-Two Months Later-


It's been two months and I still haven't retained any of my memories. I keep having these strange dreams but they were completely blurry. I couldn't see their faces but heard their voices. We never went back home and stayed in Seoul. I was currently living with Hongjoong and his friends. They're really sweet. I'm currently in Mingi's room dying my hair red.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked him.

"Bubbles, it's already too late. There's no turning back now" he laughed.

"You don't say" I sarcastically said.

We both started laughing at each other. I looked at Mingi through the mirror when an idea popped into my head. 

"Mings, have you ever thought about dying your hair pink?"

"I thought about it before. I don't think it would look good on me though."

"I think it would look great! You should let me do it" I said clapping my hands.

"Okay but after I'm done. I'm almost finished with this section." After a couple of minutes, he was finally done. He wrapped my hair in a plastic shower cap and help me off the chair.

"Finally!" I was rubbing my butt. Trying to get the blood flow moving.

"Not my fault you have a lot of hair" he joked.

"Oh whatever. Now sit down and pass me the scissors."

"Hold up a sec. I'm not letting you cut my hair" he protested.

"Please. I promise you'll look good" I gave him the puppy dog eyes and he gave in.

Mingi is currently my best friend in the house. We got really close with each other ever since I moved in with them. He's been there for me since day one. I mean everyone has been there for me. But not like Mingi.

I sectioned off some of his hair and began cutting it, "Just watch! When we go out, you're gonna have girls all over you tonight."

"I'm trusting you."

After cutting his hair I grabbed the hair dye and started to get to work. Mingi and I were talking when we heard a knock at the door. Hongjoong standing at the door frame smiling.

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